Found God
Posted on: Fri, 2007-07-06 17:04

Found God
When people convert to Christianity, why do they say they found God?
No one has "found" God.
They have simply "re-found" their belief in the Christian faith.
Am I missing something here?
or are people as arrogant as I suspect?
I think when they say they found god, they mean that after a while of "searching" (though I doubt most actually "search" for god) they've finally felt god (seems to be an appeal to emotion).
And if God is omnipresent it doesn't make much sense to say that you found him. More like, "I found those feelings that made me believe."
hmm... I was going to comment on this but Noor just about sumed it all up.
I was thinking that, I was just wondering why people say they "found" God, because, they may have had the feeling of a presence of God, which could be a feeling of accomplishment, or a feeling of light-heartedness, or such a good feeling, they thought it was a feeling of God.
This is what I think. But I don't know.
I cant really tell you that... Ill ask some of my christain freinds on their views on this if I get a chane.
I'd like to say that I'm of somewhat the same opinion as Mr. twag about the feeling of "light-heartedness" and the like. These days it seems to many Christians are placing too great an emphasis on feelings over rational thought or otherwise.
As for this statement of finding God, you have to see it this way to make sense. From the stories of people at my church who've come to Christ, they in one way or another have come to the conclusion that something is missing in their lives. So in this sense, they find the thing that fills that hole in lives.
[quote=SonOfTheEverRuler]I'd like to say that I'm of somewhat the same opinion as Mr. twag about the feeling of "light-heartedness" and the like. These days it seems to many Christians are placing too great an emphasis on feelings over rational thought or otherwise.
As for this statement of finding God, you have to see it this way to make sense. From the stories of people at my church who've come to Christ, they in one way or another have come to the conclusion that something is missing in their lives. So in this sense, they find the thing that fills that hole in lives. [/quote]
good answer sir, this is helping my understanding.
My friends are giving me odd anwsers to this...
Ill post some if I get any good ones!
Success! ...kinda
Heres all the responces I got, directly copied from AIM. I left them as they were.
Alright they mean that they now believe God is the lord and savior of their life and if they believe in Him theyll go to heaven
thats an abbridged version
they found a fictional character that they can instill fiath into for hope of good things to come
I think that they mean they've had an experience that affected them somehow into turning to religion. And in my opinion, I think it's stupid, because they're kind of using God as an excuse. But I don't support religion. So it's not my place to sit there and judge them if it's working for them, yanno?
i have no idea. like maybe they found something that made them believe god really was real?
im not exactly religious lol.
ummm...they saw the light
they let god into there life
i believe that "finding God" is when someone discovers their faith in him
they believe in religion in a new waty
I think it means that they have found a point in their lives where they are spiritually confident in themselves and with their beliefs. also, i believe it means that they have a sense of feeling free, like they have discovered a new feeling of enlightenment that they have never felt before.
it could happen because of an event, or turning point in their lives that makes them strengthen their religious beliefs
they realized that there was something wrong in theyre life so they went to church or read the bible or something and decided that was the way to go
I think that means that they have discovered who he is, and have decided that they might want to commit, but have not done so yet.
my opinion is that they have found God as in religion. Like they didnt really know wat religion meant before they had a certain experience. After an experience or encounter with God or sumthing they actually understand it. something to that effect. =/ sorry if i wasnt helpful.
ummm that they have actually seen em
they had an experience in which they feel brought them closer to god, a life changing experience
um… idk
When someone says that they've "found God", and the individual is 20+ years old, they most likely cheated or bought a hooker or did something un-"Christian" and feel bad, then pretend to think long and hard about that mistake. (i.e. Paris Hilton. The scenario isn't the same, but she got a DUI and sent to jail and pretended to be sorry.)
hope that helps!
I never understood why everybody was looking for Jesus. He mowed my lawn back in LA :)