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Website Announcements
| 10 | 54 | 12 years 51 weeks ago by Sapient |
Any bugs/requests/problems with the site go in this forum.
| 1 | 9 | 13 years 22 weeks ago by af001 |
When it doesn't fit anywhere else, it fits here. NOTICE: Please don't be surprised if posts here get moved to a more appropriate forum. Use the "Recent posts" link (left-hand menu) to find a recent topic that may have been moved.
| 134 | 1790 | 13 years 9 weeks ago by banba520 |
A fun forum for fast short posts similar to how you'd post in IM. You can still go long, but this is a specific forum for those brief posts.
| 7 | 1150 | 13 years 17 weeks ago by huien |
Understanding the world around us through methods that can be proven.
| 29 | 559 | 13 years 9 weeks ago by wanggang.520.zheng |
Debate any issue. Atheism vs. Theism debates should go here.
| 99 | 3156 | 13 years 9 weeks ago by galimixiang |
A place for you to respond to letters that this website receives. You can also post letters you got from theists, or whomever that you want other freethinkers to give their take on.
| 13 | 154 | 13 years 14 weeks ago by jia147003 |
29 | 809 | 13 years 9 weeks ago by galimixiang | |
A haven for those who are without a belief in god, to discuss and the theorize, think freely, and debate any issue. No taboo issue in here. NO THEISTS ALLOWED IN THIS FORUM. THEIST POSTS WILL BE DESTROYED.
| 12 | 183 | 13 years 9 weeks ago by wanggang.520.zheng |
Religious debate forum, that is heavily moderated, with strict rules. Posters must make every effort to be kind and courteous. No cursing, no insults, no deconstructive criticism.
| 5 | 84 | 13 years 9 weeks ago by wanggang.520.zheng |
Save the environment. Discuss it! What needs saving, what should we do, what can we do?
| 8 | 94 | 13 years 15 weeks ago by shenseoo |
31 | 280 | 13 years 13 weeks ago by huagui | |