Blasphemy Challenge! Your soul for a free DVD...
Posted on: Mon, 2006-12-11 10:33

Blasphemy Challenge! Your soul for a free DVD...
We are officially live with our blasphemy challenge! Thanks to everyone who has gotten involved! Do you have the kahunas to show the world how sure you are that the Christian God doesn't exist? Sorry, we've accepted over 1,300 entries of blasphemy, congratulations to everyone who had the guts to show the world how sure they were that the god of the but-bull just couldn't and doesn't exist.
Please favorite it, comment it, and rate it with 5 stars!
(Post your video as a response to ours)
Here are some great ideas to help you with your video:
- Don't simply "deny the holy spirit." Give it your own personal touches. Possibly add extra blasphemy or maybe even a background story as to why you feel the way you do.
- Record your video in a Church or outside of a Church.
- Walk up to people on the streets exclaiming your joy that you deny the holy spirit, and how good it makes you feel inside!
- Mention "My name is ______ and I'm from the Rational Response Squad."
- Plug your own atheist website or project!
Yeah, I have the kahunas. My video is on there.
:) Still didn't get the DVD, though.
ps when will the DVD's be shipped? I can't wait to watch it.
I'll see if I can get access to a webcam/video cam, and make one.
i just did it... my web cam is really bad so it is really dark video.
check it out...
I am new to this sight and was very surprised that so many young people denounced Christ like it's the thing to do. But I probably would have to if I din't know any better. I mean look at life, everything seems to be falling apart in this world. You have a president claiming to be a Child of God but doing so many things that seems to be horrible. So many young people dying, natural disasters, frauds in church. I can understand totally. But that's like the seed that fall in shadow grown that when it a person goes through life trials and tribulations they give up and go back to thier old ways. I'm sorry that us Christians have not did enough studing to show you truth or did enough to be the example of God we should be. I tell you this though, to deny God is the worse thing you can do. I promise you, it will come back to bite you. I promise. I klnow most of ya'll made ya'll choice and God has given you the free choice to do so and the more you deny him the more you get further away from the truth. But those who is investigating the claims of this site, know this they not Chirstians so they no nothing aout God. They live their live trying to prove that there is no God because they simply don't want to believe that there is someone greater than them on this earth. If this is so it would mean everything the believe in, all that they do would have to change and they just can't do it even if it is truth. God is real, I beleive the testimony of Jesus, the accurate accounts and the miracles done today in Jesus name. I seen people get out of a death bed through prayer. I seen gangstaz cry out through God Through believing in God. I seen alcoholics and drug addicts set free. I seen women forgiven for killing thier unborn child and set free in thier minds. I seen homosexuals change their lives and follow God. I have seen the power of God. He is real. There is too much Contradiction in anevolutionist or athiest theory. Dont fall for the oaky doke. It's not worth your soul.
I believed in God. I prayed every day for months. I read the scriptures and went onto forums and read the posts. I did not start out with the intention of proving that there is no God, and I would reconvert if there was enough evidence for it.
I want to believe that my consciousness won't cease to exist and that eternal bliss can be mine if I live a good life - However, wanting to believe and believing are separate things. I want to believe that the Holocaust did not happen, that people are never tortured or killed and that there is no war. But believing these things is a lie, there was a Holocaust and bad things do happen to good people.
I came to the conclustion gradually (and with my fathers books and questions) until I finally decided to test the other side. I went to atheist forums and tried to find all of the contradictions on the theists side. I thought about atheism and decided that not only were theists deluding themselves, but that theism in general was a negative force in the world. Most atheists have thought about their decision and when they take this challenge it just means a fun time and a free dvd. Oh, and by the way - denying the holy spirit is something that judeo-christians think is bad, you are very confident about your beliefs, however you are constantly sinning in other religions.
[quote]I seen homosexuals change their lives and follow God.[/quote] - as if god changed them?
Oh, I would post my blasphemy, but I do not have a webcam nor do I want a DVD (My mom would have a fit...)
I deny the Holy Spirit, God, Jesus, and every other god that Is known to man or will ever be known to man. Religion and Irrationality are and have always been unnessisary and controlling. And, as I do not believe in spirits, hell, or the devil - I think that your words of caution are as useless as saying "Get your umbrella, because it might rain lava tonight!"
~ End of blasphemy
If a god exists, then I, as well as most people on this planet, are going to whatever hell it has determined. This blasphemy challenge is just assuring that I go to hell in one more imaginary afterlife.
Posted my video, and the free DVD is great!
Unfortunately I have no means of getting my own video made and onto the net.
However, I can assure that I have renounded the holy spirit of biblegod many,many times in various ways{blaspehmous,satanic- for spit eof biblegod, rationalist denial, sexual methods, and pretty much any-way one can think of}, it is fun to do when one was a drone of that faith for 25 ears and highly personally dedicated for most of ones late teens and early adult life.
My persnal fave though is when I went to one of my former churches that I used to attend as a Christian; it is a evangelical Pentecostal church.
Last Easter I went there, everyone there knows I am an apostate and I spend my energy debunking the faith and Abrahamic religions in general. However, I went in regular clothing{I had an inverted crucifix necklace on under my shirt} and sat quiety and had the occasional polite and non-faith based converation whilst there; I sat quietly through the entire service -looking contemplative{hehehe!}, at trhe end during the altar call I went up the altar area and stood; several members of the church came to lay hands on me and pray for me- the best thing is one of them is a jerkass authoritarin hypocrite I've had lots of controversial fights with{including when I was a Christian still}-he and they laid hand son me and started to pray{probably assuming that their god had brought me back to the fold}- I looked straight into the eyes of the one man- whom I consider my outright enemy, smiled and said "I deny the holy spirit", pulled my inverted crucifix necklace out of my shirt and walked proudly and defiantly out of the room and out of the church,LoL!!!
I did a little overkill though, I waited across the stree till the congregants started leavng the church and shouted out loud "I deny the holy spirit, I deny Jesus and biblegod,etc",LoL!!!
Another good one was when I went to the "Youth For Christ" offices, where I used to spend alot my time as a Christian. I walked in and said hi to a couple people I know, sat down. A couple newer people I don't actually know{but they likely know of me} asked if they could help me, I looked around with a big smile and said "I deny the holy spirit" and exited the building smiling,LoL!!!
Needless to say, if babblegod were real- I'd be seriously fucked,LoL!!!
Now, I just need to go to a Synagogue and deny Tetragrammaton, and then a Mosque to deny Allah,the Quran, and to say "The Prophet Mohammed[blastings of piss be upon him" was a child molester" and walk out{that is, unless of course, they don;t stone me first, muuahahahahaaa!!! }.
LoL!!! Actually I'll probably not do these two, since I can only claim full knowledge of Christianity, but it's a funny thought/fantasy nonetheless. LoL!!!
In Reason:
I am doing the challenge as soon as I get a webcam next week. I am still trying to figure out what I should tell my parents when they find that DVD in the mail. I guess it will be my way of finally telling them I'm atheist.
'k, well that's all well and good that you read your bible and prayed everyday and everything, guruite, but living a good life and all that crap isn't what "christianity" is about, actually...but yeah, i'm a "christian" (as much as i hate to call myself it because so many people all across the world are giving my belief a bad name) and i don't just believe it because i like warm fuzzy feelings, i believe it on a intelectual level with one of the biggest reasons being that the bible is amazing historical document. and to prevent ignorant responses, don't even bother replying and telling me that it's all a bunch of fairy tale crap made up by someone, somewhere, sometime, because that just shows that you didn't take the time to intelligently and analytically respond based on knowledge and not hot-headed anti-god sentiment. but totally reply if you've got a real arguement! :D
[quote=Iconoclastithon]Now, I just need to go to a Synagogue and deny Tetragrammaton, and then a Mosque to deny Allah,the Quran, and to say "The Prophet Mohammed[blastings of piss be upon him" was a child molester" and walk out{that is, unless of course, they don;t stone me first, muuahahahahaaa!!! }.
LoL!!! Actually I'll probably not do these two, since I can only claim full knowledge of Christianity, but it's a funny thought/fantasy nonetheless. LoL!!!
In Reason:
wow, ok, learn a little respect for other people's beliefs, eh? i mean, i live in a muslim country, and that's just so unbelievably ignorant and rude that i really can't believe that anyone with any cultural sensitivity would say that. seriously, what the crap is your problem? just because you don't have the same beliefs as someone else doesn't give you the right to bash their faith. believe what you want, but at least have respect for other people and their opinions; it's called common courtesy!
oh, and btw, the whole stoning thing may be a bit off, but if you went to the mosque down the block from my place and actually said that (and they could understand your languange) you probably would start something pretty nasty. that's totally not called being clever, it's called being and idiotic, ignorant, self-centered jerk.
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[quote=cedyced]I am new to this sight and was very surprised that so many young people denounced Christ like it's the thing to do. But I probably would have to if I din't know any better. I mean look at life, everything seems to be falling apart in this world. You have a president claiming to be a Child of God but doing so many things that seems to be horrible. So many young people dying, natural disasters, frauds in church. I can understand totally. But that's like the seed that fall in shadow grown that when it a person goes through life trials and tribulations they give up and go back to thier old ways. I'm sorry that us Christians have not did enough studing to show you truth or did enough to be the example of God we should be. I tell you this though, to deny God is the worse thing you can do. I promise you, it will come back to bite you. I promise. I klnow most of ya'll made ya'll choice and God has given you the free choice to do so and the more you deny him the more you get further away from the truth. But those who is investigating the claims of this site, know this they not Chirstians so they no nothing aout God. They live their live trying to prove that there is no God because they simply don't want to believe that there is someone greater than them on this earth. If this is so it would mean everything the believe in, all that they do would have to change and they just can't do it even if it is truth. God is real, I beleive the testimony of Jesus, the accurate accounts and the miracles done today in Jesus name. I seen people get out of a death bed through prayer. I seen gangstaz cry out through God Through believing in God. I seen alcoholics and drug addicts set free. I seen women forgiven for killing thier unborn child and set free in thier minds. I seen homosexuals change their lives and follow God. I have seen the power of God. He is real. There is too much Contradiction in anevolutionist or athiest theory. Dont fall for the oaky doke. It's not worth your soul. [/quote]
How laughable was this? How is anybody supposed to take you seriously when you fail to speak proper English 80% of the time? Maybe "ya'll" is better off takings some college courses, and leave the big talk to the grown upz. There is no atheist "theory." It is simply that god defies logic, and therefore they choose not to believe in it. No "theory" there, smart ass. Do you even know what a theory is? And no, there isn't any contradiction either. You want to talk about contradiction, try opening up the old testament. Maybe you can come over to my house and I can read it to you, since diction clearly isn't your strong point. How do you even navigate the internet? How are you even competent enough to maintain a job that can afford you the internet? You PROMISE that it will come back to bite me? YOU PROMISE? Whay do you even waste your time typing? Nobody gives a monkey's ass about YOUR promises.
I am an atheist, and not only do I blaspheme god, but believe that if god did exist, "it" could suck on my nutsack. I will be uploading my video soon where I will do something utterly disgraceful in my act of blaspheme. SO I BETTER GET A FUCKING DVD! And don't censor my comment about nutsack sucking. That would be very contradictory to what (I hope) this site is all about.
If god appeared before me and said "I exist, my child! I forgive you for your blaspheme and have an important task for you to carry out" I would think that I've gone crazy (as I do ALL people who "Talk to god") and I would kill myself. Bullet through my brain. That's how much I don't believe in god.
Welcome to the board mulletgames!
As far as I know (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the Blasphemy Challenge is still going on, but only the first 1000 videos got the free DVD and they've already passed all thousand, so you won't be getting one.
I'm not going to censor your comment as I'm strongly pro-freedom of speech (I may have to have a discussion on this, though). The idea of God sucking you did make me LOL, ha.
[quote]I'm not going to censor your comment as I'm strongly pro-freedom of speech (I may have to have a discussion on this, though). [/quote]
Hm. Im up for that one. :)
All right, I'm starting a topic in the Moderators section. :)