Most "agnostics" are atheists too!
Posted on: Tue, 2006-09-05 12:53

Most "agnostics" are atheists too!
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Jake is our honorary "Rationalist Buddha," and after posting this video on our newest collaboration project "" this youtube video shot up the charts! :-)
Too many people misunderstand atheism because they've been lied to (most likely by a religious person). All babies are born, atheist.
Supplemental reading:
Am I agnostic or atheist?
Agnosticism and it's many misconceptions by RRS co-founder Rook Hawkins
thank you for posting this :]
I had a looong discussion about this subject with my sis, who said that my being atheist was the same as being theist. I got her to admit being atheist in the end (though she still won't call herself that... it has bad conotations).
"Atheism is a can of tuna!"
'You may believe in stones, brother. Just don't beam me with them!"
~Wafa Sultan
lol stephen your sister needs a dictionary because thiest and athiest are way diffrent. Anyway very insightful video thanks for the post.
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
Albert Einstein
That was great
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This is great. I've written like 4 articles on why Agnosticism and Atheism are not incompatible, but people just don't get it, especially since I tend to write loooong articles that most people find boring. This video is perfect for those purposes. I mean it still won't help for ppl who jsut aren't willing to listen, but it certainly is a better medium
-There is no sin save faith
I have had to tell people who didn't get it that an agnostic can be a theist or atheist. Then they tend to get it. All you need to do is define the terms...
I've tried that. People say: how do you know your definition is better? And I say 'because the person who invented the word said that'. And then they sidetrack and say so how does that matter, you still don't know, and thus you aren't on either side? And I reexplain the whole thing. And they say 'Stop just using your definition!' Then I threaten them with my guitar playing and they shut up.
-There is no sin save faith
They really refute dictionary definitions? I mean how simple can you get it? Atheist, no belief in god; Theist, belief in god; Agnostic, belief that god can't be proven...
Then again I'm preaching to the choir here...
one of my friends just doesnt fully grasp the concept. He says that agnostic means lack of knowledge, not lack of knowledge and considering. I think in a way he is right, but then again i think he isnt also, because he doesnt seem to understand that i has nothing to do with belief, but intelligence.
It's partially because American Heritage Dictionary has this definition
One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
Partly because people are used to seeing Agnostic as meaning someone who doesn't know(in respect to the question of whether they believe in god.
-There is no sin save faith
I have this friend who is actually really atheist but is just such a pussy that he says he's agnostic to everyone. It makes me angry... Part of the reasons why i'm fighting is so people won't have to be afraid of coming out any more.
[quote=AgnosticAtheist1]This is great. I've written like 4 articles on why Agnosticism and Atheism are not incompatible,[/quote]
Can you link me?
I have so much respect for this guy. Everything I see his face on or see his name near, I have to read or view. And the website is incredible.
Hell, I thought he was George Carlin until I hit play.
Two are long enough that I will post them as blogs
Two got deleted because they were from a time when I was... much younger, more rash, less intelligent, and much more violently offensive, so I deleted them.
However, I have 3 which are very good as well, but I cannot claim credit for them. I have a feeling that I wrote part of one of them, but I don't know which part or of which one, so I will assume they are all someone else's.
Agnosticism/Atheism Blog #1
Agnosticism/Atheism Blog #2
i would just like to point out that a lot of agnostics find god eventually. the only true atheist is a [i]decided[/i] atheist.
[quote=im just me] the only true atheist is a [i]decided[/i] atheist.[/quote]
Actually it doesn't take much to be a "true" atheist, you're a "true" atheist at birth. Claiming one must be "decided" to be a "true" atheist is to play discriminatory word games.
Most atheists are really agnostics.
[quote=Dave_G]Most atheists are really agnostics.[/quote]
Some atheists are agnostic by knowledge, but atheist by belief.
Agnosticism-gnosticism and atheism-theism lie on separate axes. The previous one refers to a position on knowledge, the latter refers to belief positions.
[quote=Dave_G]Most atheists are really agnostics.[/quote]
And vice versa.
That was the whole point of this thread.
at the end it says
"All babies are born, atheist."
if thats true then how did religion come about?
It came about because of superstition and the need to control people.
[quote=Furyan]It came about because of superstition and the need to control people. [/quote]
so babies do have It cause how else would humans inherit it? And besides, dont babies feel the need to control aswell?
No they don't know shit! Which is why they ask there parents questions.
I was brainwashed by Christianity for 10 years. If your going to come here to preach your dogma then this place wont be a fun place for you.
I can already tell you there is no devil and demons. Just human stupidity.
[quote=Furyan]No they don't know shit! Which is why they ask there parents questions.
I was brainwashed by Christianity for 10 years. If your going to come here to preach your dogma then this place wont be a fun place for you.
I can already tell you there is no devil and demons. Just human stupidity.[/quote] hmmm yeah they ask their parents but someone had to start it. Cause I think its in our nature to believe in something and now that something is science. Hmmm and I'm not here to preach really. I'm actually here to learn.
If you ask me I'd say that religion came about from fear from death and others. Like, people are scared of death so they imagine up an afterlife to comfort themselves, that sort of thing.
[quote=noor]If you ask me I'd say that religion came about from fear from death and others. Like, people are scared of death so they imagine up an afterlife to comfort themselves, that sort of thing.[/quote] interesting thought noor. I like how you think
[quote=rafreyna]at the end it says
"All babies are born, atheist."
if thats true then how did religion come about?[/quote]
because people back then didnt understand science
The message of this video is correct, but it could be stated more concisely and intelligently.
One problem is that agnosticism is not defined in its' historical context, and how and why the term was coined by T.H. should not be ignored. The definitions of theism and atheism were much different back then and as we know, definitions change and the term agnosticism has changed with it. This should be clarified; Huxley meant agnosticism to be distinct from theism and atheism.
However, even his own statements allow agnosticism to be applied to theism:
"That it is wrong for a man to say he is certain of the objective truth of a proposition unless he can provide evidence which logically justifies that certainty. This is what agnosticism asserts and in my opinion, is all that is essential to agnosticism. - Thomas Huxley
["Agnosticism and Christianity," 1889]
And he also said agnosticism is not a creed or religion and yet look at agnosticism today, it displays many qualities of modern day theistic religions. From there on, the video's message would be more clear.
Second, you should emphasize that being a theist or atheist is not conditional on how convinced one is of their beliefs. If this was true, then what would one label one who lacks belief in God, but is not agnostic? (Rhetorical)
Good luck with the video. And I should also wish you good luck convincing not only Christian's, but so called "agnostics" as well. Take a look here:
at this thread I made. 17 pages and it appears I have not convinced one "agnostic" of the message stated in this video. If any wants to contribute, please do.