From now on...

Hello everyone! I have thought of a simple way that you can show that you don't agree with having god in the school system. When you are saying the pledge of allegiance, simply don't say the "under god" part. I do this everyday and I almost always get someone to notice it.
Some of you may already be doing this and that is great, don't make a big deal out of it, simply do it until someone notices. If you weren't aware, the pledge hasn't always been like that.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
On our third episode of the Rational Response Squad we had a teen by the name of Sam Smith on our show. Sam recently got in the news when he refused to say the pledge and had to call in the ACLU to come to his defense after the school asked him to have his parents sign a permission slip.
Here is the whole show as a free download. Hope you guys enjoy. Right click "save as" or "save target as."
Sam joined Rational Responders community, but isn't around too often. He is more concerned with environmental issues than religious ones. I haven't had the time to write him yet... maybe some of you will want to write him and invite him over. He has mod status on this site already which carried over from (how bout that, a mod and he doesn't even know it)
Here is how you contact him. Flood his mailbox with a warm welcome. :P (surprise Sam) ;-)
I haven't recited the pledge, in any portion, in at least two years, though I'm sure it's been much logner than that. It started with the under God part, then I realized that I should be pledging allegiance to my country just pecause it's my country, and so I stopped altogether. In fact, my senior year, very few of us actually said the pledge at all, most of us stood in silence or sat through it.
It's not even that, I don't bleieve in pledges period. It definitely started out of Under God, but I realized taht frankly, pledging allegiance made no sense. That makes no allowances for change in policies or anything.
I don't like the idea of pledging to a nation, and if we are going to do why beat around the bush with a flag. I wouldn't pledge to a nation that does things and has things that in it pledge I don't agree with. I make a big deal when someone tries to get me to stop what I'm doing or tries to make me stand. I don't have to respect it and I certainly don't have to go along with the crowd. Now if you really want people to notice say under canada or jesus.
how pleasent.
I don't say the pledge at all. I think it's a waste of time, I think I'll use those 5 minutes of homeroom to read. But people like my friend who are religious, like my friend who is jewish, says the pledge, but leaves out the under god part. Even though it is a part of his life, he doesn't think it should be used it school. Personally I don't like this country, I'd rather be somewhere else, but I'm here, I'm stuck here, and I can't leave here. It isn't my choice but I am, so I'll make the best of it, until I can get out.
We don't say the pledge at my I can't do anything about it lol
i stoped doing the pledge in 3rd grade, not going to change that, personally i think its more of a stand to not say it then to change it.
on sept 11, my friend and i didnt even move, we just continued to do out homework, not even noticing the pledge going on. the teach was mad :)
I never move. when the 'now will you all please stand for the pledge to the flag' comes on, with that monotonus secretary, I just sit there as I normally would. I do always have my friend kicking my chair as he says the pledge.
I used to say the pledge when I felt like it, never adding under god, but then I changed to usually not saying it. It's an idiotic thing to be patriotic. It's like faith, blind. Love your country, don't hate for you country.
I've been doing this for two years now, and nobody has noticed. Tch.
i haven't recited the pledge since i was in fifth grade when we were forced to recite it everyday. at that age, i wasn't aware that i wasn't legally obligated to stand up and say it, but i know that whenever i stayed in my seat with my head down, the teacher would give me a dirty look and tell me to stand up.
now, in high school, they have us say it once a week. but i refuse to stand up and am usually not the only one in doing so.
"I deny allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the corruption for which it stands, faschism fronted by god, indivisible with bigotry and fear for all.
Screw your subtleties Joe.
This is what I say every day, if I go to class.
Are you kidding me? Your class time shouldn't even have to be wasted. You shouldn't stand or do anything. Just sit down and laugh(or read or something).
Heck, I haven't even recited the pledge since I was able to comprehend its full meaning (about age 14) I I hadn't said "under god" for about 4 years before that
So you're not LEGALLY required to even stand up? I gotta look that up for this backwater dumbass state...Heh...I'm starting to wonder what I can and can't do...
I've never said it since about 5th grade, and I'm not about to start lol. I'm not patriotic at all, in fact I will probably move out of this country as soon as possible when I turn 18.
I hate the fact that they put in "one nation under god" in the pledge of alligeance in the 1950s, WAY after it was originally made. And same with the "in god we trust" on money, that wasn't there until the 1950s too I think.
"I deny allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the corruption for which it stands, faschism fronted by god, indivisible with bigotry and fear for all"
However, I do love that^ :) I think I might try that one out on Monday, see if anyone in my classes notice lol.
Wooh fiesty arent you. lol .I think that you shouldnt do that though. There is a difference between unacknowledging it and insulting it. You do not want to be put on the bad side of the spectrum by insulting it. If you know what I mean.
not saying the pledge is fine. in fact, i never do, but actively trying to discourage those who believe in god and this country is not my cup of tea. live and let live.
We have not said the Pledge for many years, and when we do I never say "Under God" I always skiped it. Skipping it makes me feel more comfortable, I dont really care if it upset someone. It's my own chocie not to say it, and when some one askes me why i do that I just tell them.
Well, I never could actually remember all the words in the pledge, so I used to just stand up and listen to it. Over the years I grew from simply standing up to saying it without the 'under god' phrase when I started to realize my atheism. Now as a strong libertarian also, I don't stand up; I just continue doing my work. At my high school, the student doesn't even have to stand up if the student or parent doesn't want it, so I've never had any remarks from students or the teacher.
You're not legally bound to say the pledge. At my school, we've never said the pledge. I'm not even sure why there's a flag in every classroom.
I used to not even stand, but my teacher went apeshit when she noticed & made me LEAD IT the next day.
No lie.
Oppression makes me puke blood.
Ack. That sucks.
My teacher doesn't really care since a lot of kids don't bother to say it either, they just continue on with their homework.
By the way, I said that I was a strong libertarian in my last post, but I'm now a full-fledged and rather rabid market anarchist. I'll never say the pledge again.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ;)
(Got inspired by Maverick's post way above.)
I deny allegiance to the flag of the fictional entity called the United States of America and to the ruling gangster group for which it stands, one piece of land with arbitrarily defined borders, indivisible except during civil wars, with tyranny of the majority and contradictory moral codes imposed on all.
Nice...I might say that instead of not saying it at all. :P
[quote=Sapient]Sam recently got in the news when he refused to say the pledge and had to call in the ACLU to come to his defense after the school asked him to have his parents sign a permission slip.[/quote]
Aaaah, I'd def make out with that kid.
[quote=noor](Got inspired by Maverick's post way above.)
I deny allegiance to the flag of the fictional entity called the United States of America and to the ruling gangster group for which it stands, one piece of land with arbitrarily defined borders, indivisible except during civil wars, with tyranny of the majority and contradictory moral codes imposed on all.
Nice...I might say that instead of not saying it at all. :P[/quote]
^ I like that one the best.
I'd feel okay with saying that.
Sweet! :D Are you an anarchist or leaning towards it, by the way?
On a positive note I haven't needed to say the pledge for a few years.
I don't see myself having a use for the pledge or the nice modified pledge.
I honestly could never comprehend the responses from particular atheists who want crosses removed from highways, the pledge modified... Well, they must be insecure. The pledge is often under a minute long and I don't see why 'rational' people get their panties in a bunch over it.
I agree with live and let live under most circumstances. And this is one of them.
I like the variant pledge idea. I found out from my parents (woot! having atheist parents), that the original pledge (before McArcthy) was "I pledge allegiance to my flag, and to the republic for which it stands, all nations, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I used to say that, much to the grievance of my 1st period AP US History class. This year (senior year), I devised a new pledge.
I pledge allegiance to Sol, Terra, and Luna, and to the life which they bestow. All humans, in light and in dark, with science and skepticism for all.
I like it just because it, for me, pays respect to our three important celestial bodies the Sun, Moon, and Earth, gives respect to all forms of life on the planet, gives way to various opinions and differences of humans, and loves science and skepticism. I have to try the other pledges for fun, though that last one is long. I don't think I can talk that fast.
Kovash Tau'va!
per ardua ad astra
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
-Salvor Hardin, Foundation