Need your thoughts

So recently my girlfriend has converted me from being a Christian to an agnostic atheist. Right now I’m really new to this stuff and I’m having trouble talking to my parents about it and explaining myself. My parents are the kind of Christians that are not really open to atheism and can’t understand why I have chosen this path. I would really appreciate some thoughts and ideas on how I could communicate with them and discuss the path I have chosen without going into a huge argument with them about it. Also any ideas on atheism to help me understand it more and get a better grasp on it. Thanks for listening and please help.
Is this the same story:
In your case, my advice would be everything you read in the other thread however with one addition. LEARN.
It's not as easy as just asking for advice, you need to read, research, disect. The more you learn the more sure you will be of your thoughts. Shameless plug here:
Listen to our shows. Specifically listen to the shows in which we debate Christians. In there you will hear many common arguments against Christianity. That's a great start. Listen with the girlfriend. ;-) Here's some videos and movies that will help feed your brain:
This is a good essay from Sam Harris on major problems with Christianity, including the fact that it's the moral lowground with scientific statistics to back it:
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