Argue for the opposition!
Posted on: Tue, 2007-03-27 08:40

Argue for the opposition!
This is a fun thought game that can get pretty humorous. So here we go.
I don't believe God exists because there's absolutely no evidence for it. Theists are irrational and have a mind disease known as Christ-psychosis. Jesus never exists because nobody says he does and the Bible wasn't written until 500 A.D. and that's way too late to be considered evidence. Also it has miracles in it, and we all know miracles don't really happen, so the Bible can't be right. Miracles don't happen because God doesn't exist and that fact has thousands of pieces of evidence that directly prove it.
It's good to have a new thread.
[quote]I don't believe God exists because there's absolutely no evidence for it.[/quote]
Just because he's invisible...that doesn't mean he's not there. You can't see air, but you can see the effects of air (such as Hurricanes).
We can witness the effects of God (Creation).
That's all the evidence I need. :)
[quote]Theists are irrational and have a mind disease known as Christ-psychosis.[/quote]
I'm crazy for the Lord!
[quote]Jesus never exists because nobody says he does and the Bible wasn't written until 500 A.D. and that's way too late to be considered evidence.[/quote]
It doesn't matter to just matters that it was written. :)
[quote]Also it has miracles in it, and we all know miracles don't really happen, so the Bible can't be right.[/quote]
Miracles do happen. In fact, I consider my existence a miracle.
[quote]Miracles don't happen because God doesn't exist and that fact has thousands of pieces of evidence that directly prove it.[/quote]
What evidence?
Is it...evilution? Ha!
We have evidence, it's the [url=]Bible[/url]
[quote]It's good to have a new thread.[/quote]
Quite so.
[quote]Just because he's invisible...that doesn't mean he's not there. You can't see air, but you can see the effects of air (such as Hurricanes).[/quote]
Notice that I never said anything about invisible. I said that God is [i]nonexistant.[/i]
[quote]We can witness the effects of God (Creation).[/quote]
But evolution and random chance accounts for that. Duh.
[quote]That's all the evidence I need. [/quote]
Then we're at a standoff.
[quote]I'm crazy for the Lord![/quote]
I'm surprised that you could form a coherent sentence with your disease crippling your mind, Christian.
[quote]It doesn't matter to just matters that it was written. [/quote]
But it was written in 500 AD by conspirators in the church to control you! Jesus didn't exist! Certainly that's obvious. All the evidence suggests it.
Miracles do happen. In fact, I consider my existence a miracle.[/quote]
Back that up with a Peer-Reviewed Scientific Article(TM).
[quote]What evidence?
Is it...evilution? Ha![/quote]
Of course. The Law of Evolution 100% disproves God. It's inescapable.
[quote]We have evidence, it's the Bible[/quote]
(Haha...I would argue against that even as a Christian.)
What about the Qur'an? Why isn't that God's word?
[quote=P-Dunn]Notice that I never said anything about invisible. I said that God is [i]nonexistant.[/i][/quote]
I bet you think he's nonexistant because he's invisible. Am I right?
[quote]But evolution and random chance accounts for that. Duh.[/quote]
Where did monkeys come from then? If evolution (aka evilution) is true...then why are monkeys still around?!?!
[quote]I'm surprised that you could form a coherent sentence with your disease crippling your mind, Christian.[/quote]
Stupid fundy atheists.
While I'm in heaven playing golf with Jesus, you will be regretting the stuff you just said. Just watch. ;)
[quote]But it was written in 500 AD by conspirators in the church to control you! Jesus didn't exist! Certainly that's obvious. All the evidence suggests it.[/quote]
Control us to do what? To love our neighbors as we love ourselves?
Ha! You fundy atheists crack me up.
[quote]Back that up with a Peer-Reviewed Scientific Article(TM).[/quote]
Why? Science is fake.
It's all about Jesus!
[quote]Of course. The Law of Evolution 100% disproves God. It's inescapable.[/quote]
I think you meant [i]evilution[/i].
How does it disprove god? Monkeys are STILL around!
Something had to create monkeys.
[quote]What about the Qur'an? Why isn't that God's word?[/quote]
[url=]This[/url] is why. :)
[quote]I bet you think he's nonexistant because he's invisible. Am I right?[/quote]
Well, not really. Air, as you said, is "invisible," but I believe in air.
I think he's nonexistant because I've never seen him, mainly. Either that, or because there is not a single shred of evidence for God in the entire universe. That's been proven, no scholar disagrees with me.
[quote]Where did monkeys come from then? If evolution (aka evilution) is true...then why are monkeys still around?!?![/quote]
Silly. They came from the same ancestor that we have.
They're still around because that's just the way it is. Evolution is not a consistent process that happens to all creatures all over the world in the same way.
[quote]Control us to do what? To love our neighbors as we love ourselves?
Ha! You fundy atheists crack me up.[/quote]
No! To make you follow all of their rules! Christianity is nothing but rules, rules, rules! You can't have fun if you're a Christian! I bet your idea of fun is to sit around and read your holey babble. You're brainwashing yourself and you think it's FUN!
[quote]Why? Science is fake.
It's all about Jesus![/quote]
Nuh [i]uh[/i]. Jesus was a lie.
[quote]I think you meant evilution.
How does it disprove god? Monkeys are STILL around!
Something had to create monkeys.[/quote]
It disproves God because it shows that he didn't specially create humans. And so therefore God can't possibly exist if he didn't specially create humans.
the sad part is, I actually get emails from Christians that quite look like what AmericanAtheist is posting. Although, while I do believe the average Christian is more ignorant than the average atheist, I think that's not to do with religiosity. Just more people who are poor tend to be religious, and people who are poor tend to be more ignorant. It's the same w/ the crime levels. But it's quite annoying that people actually believe those rehashed strawmen arguments. I've never meant an atheist who made arguments THAT stupidly(although some have come close) but perhaps that's because I'm a bit of an intellectual elitist in who I surround myself w/.
[quote]But it's quite annoying that people actually believe those rehashed strawmen arguments. I've never meant an atheist who made arguments THAT stupidly(although some have come close) but perhaps that's because I'm a bit of an intellectual elitist in who I surround myself w/.[/quote]
Oh, don't you worry. It's almost a direct relationship. For every stupid theist you find, you'll always have a stupid atheist to argue with.
I haven't used an argument in this thread that I haven't seen used before.
wow, that makes me fear for the world. I guess it is just cuz of the people I know... I get at least a weekly one of those arguments...
EDIT: Although I stand by my income theory
[quote=AgnosticAtheist1]the sad part is, I actually get emails from Christians that quite look like what AmericanAtheist is posting. Although, while I do believe the average Christian is more ignorant than the average atheist, I think that's not to do with religiosity. Just more people who are poor tend to be religious, and people who are poor tend to be more ignorant. It's the same w/ the crime levels. But it's quite annoying that people actually believe those rehashed strawmen arguments. I've never meant an atheist who made arguments THAT stupidly(although some have come close) but perhaps that's because I'm a bit of an intellectual elitist in who I surround myself w/.[/quote]
This whole post is a lie about me. Do you enjoy lying about me? Typical atheist stuff.
that was just a test, and you passed. Jus thad to make sure you weren't secretly an atheist, cuz they always lie and cheat constantly.
[quote=AgnosticAtheist1]that was just a test, and you passed. Jus thad to make sure you weren't secretly an atheist, cuz they always lie and cheat constantly. [/quote]
Well, they're atheists...they can't do anything but lie and cheat.
In their worldview, we're just animals. So that means that killing, rape, stealing and lying is ok.
They suck...they don't even believe in an afterlife. When they die, they have nothing to look forward to. It would suck to be an atheist.
I'll be praying for them.
The next atheist that responds with [i]"And I'll be thinking for you."[/i] is getting punched in the face.
Just going to give 'em that Christian love. 8-)
Well duh, haven't you ever been in the wild? Animals always kill, rape, steal, and lie. Especially that last one. And why wouldn't they want to live forever? Forever and ever, eventually running completely out of things to do and yet just being happy and not having to worry about your family and friends in hell.
Oh, worse is the 'I won't return the favor by thinking for you'. I'll bet whoever said that thought he was really original, but really he's just a loser sitting in his basement.
Of course, that love is the only way to reach them. Just remind them that God loves them...but that he's still ok with making them suffer forever unless they see the light.
[quote=AgnosticAtheist1]Well duh, haven't you ever been in the wild? Animals always kill, rape, steal, and lie. Especially that last one. And why wouldn't they want to live forever? Forever and ever, eventually running completely out of things to do and yet just being happy and not having to worry about your family and friends in hell.
Oh, worse is the 'I won't return the favor by thinking for you'. I'll bet whoever said that thought he was really original, but really he's just a loser sitting in his basement.
Of course, that love is the only way to reach them. Just remind them that God loves them...but that he's still ok with making them suffer forever unless they see the light.[/quote]
You know, I'm starting to think that there is really no such thing as an atheist.
Just think about be an atheist, you must have obsolute knowledge to say that there's no god.
Us Christians have the knowledge to deal with the stuff that's real!
God is not [i]invisible[/i], he's all around us. You just have to look for the signs. He's even in your dreams. I had a dream about dead lobsters and I KNOW that God was telling me I shouldn't eat it at grandma's house! So...I didn't and everyone but me got sick. :) See??
Also, P-Dunn you don't know what you are talking about. Evolution is nothing but a fairy tale. I mean, life is not about science, it's about spirituality. Evolutionists are shoving this brain-rotting theory down kids' throats everyday, teaching it in schools and whatnots. You should be reading the Bible, because it's God's word and God's word is not a fairy tale (it's reality, duh!!) Although it has lots of violence and rape and savage behavior, the Bible teaches kids many many good morals. Now [i]that[/i] is what they should be promoting in schools.
btw Jesus is coming!!!
[quote=Toxicat]God is not [i]invisible[/i], he's all around us. You just have to look for the signs. He's even in your dreams. I had a dream about dead lobsters and I KNOW that God was telling me I shouldn't eat it at grandma's house! So...I didn't and everyone but me got sick. :) See??[/quote]
Now we're talking!
[quote]Also, P-Dunn you don't know what you are talking about. Evolution is nothing but a fairy tale.[/quote]
Uh oh, you spelled evolution as [i]evolution[/i].
It's [b]evilution[/b]. :) But it's ok, that happens after talking to atheists for a while.
[quote]I mean, life is not about science, it's about spirituality. Evolutionists are shoving this brain-rotting theory down kids' throats everyday, teaching it in schools and whatnots.[/quote]
Yeah! Evilution says that we came from monkeys! LOL!
Stupid, huh?
[quote]You should be reading the Bible, because it's God's word and God's word is not a fairy tale (it's reality, duh!!)[/quote]
Indeed, Christians have the knowledge to deal with the stuff that's real.
[quote]Although it has lots of violence and rape and savage behavior, the Bible teaches kids many many good morals. Now [i]that[/i] is what they should be promoting in schools.[/quote]
Heck yeah!
[quote]btw Jesus is coming!!![/quote]
I'm sure that's going to happen in my life time. :)
P.S. Sam Harris is dumb.
btw Jesus is coming!!![/quote]
And I, for one, want to feel his salvation all over my face
btw Jesus is coming!!![/quote]
And I, for one, want to feel his salvation all over my face[/quote]
What's white, sticky and comes from the sky?
*Puts hands together (prayer style) and looks up at the sky*
The coming of the Lord.
[quote]The coming of the Lord.[/quote]
I can't wait. :P
[quote=Toxicat][quote]The coming of the Lord.[/quote]
I can't wait. :P[/quote]
Yum yum. Well, I hope it's worth the wait!
[quote=P-Dunn]This is a fun thought game that can get pretty humorous. So here we go.
I don't believe God exists because there's absolutely no evidence for it. ..[/quote]
A huge complex universe
[quote=P-Dunn]Theists are irrational and haveTheists are irrational and have a mind disease known as Christ-psychosis..[/quote]
What about people like John Macarthur?
[quote=P-Dunn]Jesus never exists because nobody says he does and the Bible wasn't written until 500 A.D. and that's way too late to be considered evidence...[/quote]
Where did you here that?
[quote=P-Dunn] Also it has miracles in it, and we all know miracles don't really happen, so the Bible can't be right. Miracles don't happen because God doesn't exist and that fact has thousands of pieces of evidence that directly prove it....[/quote]
(Quotes people who experienced miracles)
How would you answer those claims?
[quote]A huge complex universe[/quote]
But if the universe is complex, then the creator of the universe has to be complex! Complex things need designers!
[quote]What about people like John Macarthur?[/quote]
He's another evangelical pastor, and he happens to have a radio show. Media evangelists are the worst sufferers of Christ-psychosis.
[quote]Where did you here that?[/quote]
Acharya S and Kersey Graves.
[quote](Quotes people who experienced miracles)
How would you answer those claims?[/quote]
They're obviously deluded. We've already disproven the possibility of miracles, and so they're mistaken and hallucinating.
Why can't you guys just believe in Jesus? I mean, really...
It's better to be wrong and believe in Jesus...than to be wrong and burn in Hell.
P.S. God bless you all.
[quote=American Atheist]Why can't you guys just believe in Jesus? I mean, really...
It's better to be wrong and believe in Jesus...than to be wrong and burn in Hell.
P.S. God bless you all.[/quote]
If there was a Hell I would gladly go there, in fact i'd tell you're sexists/murderer G-d to go to Hell.
You're supposed to argue for the opposition?
Oh in that case:
You're going to Hell!!!!! I'm divorcing my wife. Give me some pills for depression and an X-rated movie.
Hey lets kill some blacks today (or enslave them)
Hey brother can I talk to you about Jesus?
[quote]Oh in that case:
You're going to Hell!!!!! I'm divorcing my wife. Give me some pills for depression and an X-rated movie.
Hey lets kill some blacks today (or enslave them)
Hey brother can I talk to you about Jesus?[/quote]
Are you insinuating that the typical Christian runs out and screams that people are going to Hell, gets divorced for no reason, is addicted to porn and drugs, and is racist?
Well, in that case, atheists are all homosexual, intolerant, mass murderers who hate religious people and don't have any sort of morals.
Dave, no offense bro...but you ruined the whole thread.
[quote=P-Dunn]Are you insinuating that the typical Christian runs out and screams that people are going to Hell, gets divorced for no reason, is addicted to porn and drugs, and is racist?[/quote]
Which is really funny because not one of those apply to myself(although I'v never been married).
[quote=P-Dunn][quote]Oh in that case:
You're going to Hell!!!!! I'm divorcing my wife. Give me some pills for depression and an X-rated movie.
Hey lets kill some blacks today (or enslave them)
Hey brother can I talk to you about Jesus?[/quote]
Are you insinuating that the typical Christian runs out and screams that people are going to Hell, gets divorced for no reason, is addicted to porn and drugs, and is racist?
Well, in that case, atheists are all homosexual, intolerant, mass murderers who hate religious people and don't have any sort of morals.[/quote]
Hm... what ever happened to turn the other cheek? and besides whats wrong with homosexuals? And there really aren't many mass murdering atheists there mostly Christians killing each other off. And Muslims to. That's why I'm not worried about being attacked by Christians, they serve the worst attacks for themselves, look at how catholics and protestants have lived in peace (sarcasm) and besides we don't have some holy book telling us to stone everyone who offends some dictator.
[quote]Hm... what ever happened to turn the other cheek?[/quote]
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you hit me.
[quote]and besides whats wrong with homosexuals?[/quote]
I didn't say something was wrong with homosexuals, did I?
[quote]And there really aren't many mass murdering atheists there mostly Christians killing each other off.[/quote]
Joseph Stalin. Pol Pot. Mao Tse-tung.
All atheists. All mass murderers. Atheists have killed more people than all the Crusades, witch hunts, and Inquisitions combined.
But, of course, I'd bet you say these atheists "weren't rational," by whatever definition of rational you hold, or they "weren't acting in the name of atheism" as if Christian murderers are acting in the name of Christianity. *sigh*
[quote]And Muslims to. That's why I'm not worried about being attacked by Christians, they serve the worst attacks for themselves, look at how catholics and protestants have lived in peace (sarcasm)[/quote]
Their conflict is less about religion now and is more about politics.
[quote]and besides we don't have some holy book telling us to stone everyone who offends some dictator.[/quote]
Yet this happened anyway.
Is there anything wrong with stoning someone who offends some dictator, Dave? If so, how did you come to that conclusion?
[quote=P-Dunn][quote]Hm... what ever happened to turn the other cheek?[/quote]
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you hit me.
[quote]and besides whats wrong with homosexuals?[/quote]
I didn't say something was wrong with homosexuals, did I?
You said all athiests are homosexuels like being a homosexual is a bad thing.
[quote]And there really aren't many mass murdering atheists there mostly Christians killing each other off.[/quote]
Joseph Stalin. Pol Pot. Mao Tse-tung.
All atheists. All mass murderers. Atheists have killed more people than all the Crusades, witch hunts, and Inquisitions combined.
But, of course, I'd bet you say these atheists "weren't rational," by whatever definition of rational you hold, or they "weren't acting in the name of atheism" as if Christian murderers are acting in the name of Christianity. *sigh*
There are plenty being killed in the name of christ. And besides Hitler was a Christian who killed loads of people.
[quote]And Muslims to. That's why I'm not worried about being attacked by Christians, they serve the worst attacks for themselves, look at how catholics and protestants have lived in peace (sarcasm)[/quote]
Their conflict is less about religion now and is more about politics.
Go to Italy and tell them that.
[quote]and besides we don't have some holy book telling us to stone everyone who offends some dictator.[/quote]
Yet this happened anyway.
Is there anything wrong with stoning someone who offends some dictator, Dave? If so, how did you come to that conclusion?
I'm declaring this day of the week fairy day. And if I stoned you for not honnering fairy day would it be reasonable to stone you?
[quote]You said all athiests are homosexuels like being a homosexual is a bad thing.[/quote]
You said that all Christians take pills for depression like trying to rid yourself of a disease was a bad thing.
I was merely making a stereotype, as you were. The vast majority of homosexuals I've encountered have been atheists.
[quote]There are plenty being killed in the name of christ.[/quote]
I didn't deny this of course. But where the question lays is whether they were following Christ's ideas and teachings when they killed in the name of Christ. Do you think they did?
Interesting that atheism doesn't provide a basis for saying that killing another people group is wrong. If you disagree, show me your basis.
[quote]And besides Hitler was a Christian who killed loads of people.[/quote]
Hitler wasn't a Christian, but he most likely wasn't an atheist either. He said too many anti-Christian things to really be a Christian, but he often referred to a god as part of his speeches to gain power.
[quote]Go to Italy and tell them that.[/quote]
Well, I will probably study abroad there eventually.
[quote]I'm declaring this day of the week fairy day. And if I stoned you for not honnering fairy day would it be reasonable to stone you?[/quote]
If you could demonstrate the following things:
1) That fairies exist and play an important part of our society, or at least enough to have a day dedicated to their recognition.
2) That it was dangerous to the point of being necessary to eliminate my life to not honor fairy day.
Then yes, it may be reasonable.
Are you going to answer my question, though?
[quote]Hitler wasn't a Christian, but he most likely wasn't an atheist either. He said too many anti-Christian things to really be a Christian, but he often referred to a god as part of his speeches to gain power.[/quote]
No Hitler wasnt a Christian, nor was he an athiest. He was in fact a cult leader. Kind of like Charles Manson, only he managed to gain control over a small country.
I didn't deny this of course. But where the question lays is whether they were following Christ's ideas and teachings when they killed in the name of Christ. Do you think they did?
Nah they probably got their support from the OT.
Hitler wasn't a Christian, but he most likely wasn't an atheist either. He said too many anti-Christian things to really be a Christian, but he often referred to a god as part of his speeches to gain power
He was a Catholic.
1) That fairies exist and play an important part of our society, or at least enough to have a day dedicated to their recognition.
Sure they created the Earth I'm making a Bible called the doctrine of fairies.
2) That it was dangerous to the point of being necessary to eliminate my life to not honor fairy day.
Then yes, it may be reasonable.
Can't you put one day aside to honer the creators that gave you life?:(
Are you going to answer my question, though?
I was referring to the one that commands believers to stone people who didn't honer the sabbath.
[quote]He was a Catholic.[/quote]
No he was raised Catholic. But by the time he started the Natzi Party he was preaching his own ideas of racial purity mixed with bits and pieces of Christian and pagen mythology and psudo-history.
Oh and he may have also had a Messanic complex. Iow he believed himself to be God.
[quote]Sure they created the Earth I'm making a Bible called the doctrine of fairies. [/quote]
Okay, let me read it when you finish.
[quote]Nah they probably got their support from the OT.[/quote]
And it was, thus, invalid. If Christ redeemed us from the law as the NT says, then still following the OT law so closely would be a direct violation of what they were supposed to be doing.
[quote]He was a Catholic.[/quote]
He was a Catholic by [i]heritage[/i]. He went to a Catholic church as a child. But that doesn't mean that he was a Catholic all of his life any more than it means that C.S. Lewis was an atheist all their lives.
[quote]Sure they created the Earth I'm making a Bible called the doctrine of fairies.[/quote]
It should be an interesting read. I wonder if you'll have as many archeological confirmations and historical eyewitnesses as the Bible has.
[quote]Can't you put one day aside to honer the creators that gave you life?[/quote]
If you could demonstrate the first two, then I probably would, and no such execution would be necessary, would it?
[quote]I was referring to the one that commands believers to stone people who didn't honer the sabbath.[/quote]
Yes, but you still didn't answer my question.
Is there anything wrong with that? Why?
And it was, thus, invalid. If Christ redeemed us from the law as the NT says, then still following the OT law so closely would be a direct violation of what they were supposed to be doing.
So the OT is not scripture? Then don't use the OT then because I'll tell you that we are free from the OT.
He was a Catholic by heritage. He went to a Catholic church as a child. But that doesn't mean that he was a Catholic all of his life any more than it means that C.S. Lewis was an atheist all their lives.
He never denied his Catholicism though he was a strange catholic sense he admired Luther's anti semitism.
It should be an interesting read. I wonder if you'll have as many archaeological confirmations and historical eyewitnesses as the Bible has.
No eyewitnesses for the resurrection except in Paul's opinion. And if Jesus did not raise from the dead then he lost the fight. And show me your eyewitnesses for God.
If you could demonstrate the first two, then I probably would, and no such execution would be necessary, would it?
Then Moses is evil because he wants to break the sixth commandment many times in the OT. And one of them is the exact same thing as I mentioned. So no execution is not necessary. And it's not necessary to stone me for not honoring the Sabbath, thanks for arguing for me.
Yes, but you still didn't answer my question.
Is there anything wrong with that? Why?
You honestly don't know? Same thing that's wrong with me stoning you for not honering fairy day.
[quote]He never denied his Catholicism though he was a strange catholic sense he admired Luther's anti semitism.[/quote]
Correction: He never [b]publicly[/b] denied his Catholicism. But I dont see why we should have expected him to. Nor do I think its necessary to determine where he stood.
The fact that he appealed to Pagen myths as often as (if not more often than) Christain beliefs, and that he allowed schoolchildren in Germany to be taught "Hitler ist Gott"(Hitler is God) says enough.
[quote]So the OT is not scripture? Then don't use the OT then because I'll tell you that we are free from the OT.[/quote]
You're putting words in my mouth now. I never said that the OT isn't scripture. What I merely said is that Jesus redeemed us from the laws of the Torah.
[quote]He never denied his Catholicism though he was a strange catholic sense he admired Luther's anti semitism.[/quote]
Dave, stop beating around the bush. If you're going to assert that Hitler did the terrible things he did because he was Catholic, go ahead and do it, and then prove it.
[quote]No eyewitnesses for the resurrection except in Paul's opinion.[/quote]
Are you saying Paul merely made all of those people up, then? Why would he do that?
As one example, how do you explain 2 Peter 1:16, which was written by Peter, an apostle of Christ?
"For we have not by following artificial fables made known to you the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ: but we were [b]eyewitnesses[/b] of his greatness."
Is he lying?
[quote]And if Jesus did not raise from the dead then he lost the fight. And show me your eyewitnesses for God.[/quote]
My grandmother claims to have seen God in a physical form, or at least a messenger of God, when she was younger.
Do you believe her? If not, why?
[quote]Then Moses is evil because he wants to break the sixth commandment many times in the OT. And one of them is the exact same thing as I mentioned. So no execution is not necessary. And it's not necessary to stone me for not honoring the Sabbath, thanks for arguing for me.[/quote]
I don't really understand what you're trying to say. This paragraph seems like a big jumble of text rather than real sentences. But I think you misunderstood what I said all the same.
If it was a demonstratable fact that faries existed and that dedicating a day to their worship was important enough to stone people over, then I [b]would do it.[/b] There wouldn't be a need for an execution because I would have [b]already been doing it.[/b] In the same way, there is no need for your execution for commiting rape because [b]you haven't done it.[/b]
Do you understand me now?
[quote]You honestly don't know? Same thing that's wrong with me stoning you for not honering fairy day.[/quote]
No, I know. But I'm asking you to say it. What is morally wrong with stoning someone for such an offense?
If you're going to say that there is something objectively wrong with that, then you're in a sticky position.