Atheist jerk
Posted on: Thu, 2008-04-24 15:28

Atheist jerk
Hello everyone! Damn it's been a while since I've hit up this site.
Well anyway, I wanted to share with you all this message I received from an atheist over facebook. I found it to be quite insulting in many ways, and rather pathetic at that. Tell me what you think.
"Dude you might think that this is really psycho of me, or really attractively outgoing, but I promise you I'm decently sane and totally harmless. Also, I like to write. Sorry, but it is by far the best way to express without being interrupted. So you can either delete this message now, or read it. Either way, you don't have to respond.
So I just got home from the library, I checked out The Atheist's Values which came highly recommended by my philosophy professor. Anyway, I wanted to see who else on this religiously ignorant campus enjoyed Sam Harris, so I clicked his name in my Favorite Books section. From the list that popped up, a picture of two stunningly beautiful girls was on the top of the list (I guess because you're from Charlotte). I thought to myself that it was a mistake, there is no way that two highschool girls from Charlotte are broad enough to read Sam Harris. Sure enough, after I clicked your name, the first thing that popped out was Agnostic Atheist. Bravo! I love how you tell EVERYONE that your atheist, and don't give a shit, that's straight up badass. I'd be excommunicated for that (but don't call me a pussy). Anyway, I've read all the books in your favorite books section, those are some good ones. You might like "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins, or my personal favorite, "Letter to A Christian Nation" by Sam Harris.
Anyway, I just wanted to know what kind of life would allow you to confide, so strongly, in your religious convictions. Where did they come from!? I know for a fact that since the age of about 12, I preferred popular kids science books, like Zoobooks. From these books I determined that many stories of the Bible certainly could not be true. Dissenting from the one thing my parents indoctrinated the most, grew a suspicion for all authorities in all forms, a mindset that has lasted with me my entire life. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the natural world so far as our science can reveal it. That is why I am studying environmental sciences. My dad was furious when I changed my major from International Business to Environmental Studies. But I love the trees and critters infinitely more than Europe's economic trends. I want to further my studies after college at either Law school or a graduate school for politics, to undermine my destiny of environmental knowledge.
I've typed a lot, but it was fast because I'm basically talking.
I apologize for how long this was, if you even read through it.
If you did get this far, and aren't laughing at how ridiculous I am, nor too feminist to talk to a male, write me back; I think we have a lot to converse about. Or I could offer some sweet quotes.
Peace and thanks,
By the way, what you see on my Facebook is not entirely me. I wake up every morning and I am Lonnie Wallace Wyatt, an extremely confident environmentalist and moral atheist. I don't like very many people. I find them not intellectually inferior or ignorant, but brainwashed and intimidated by everything rational. They see philosophical conversations as burdensome rather than enlightening. You don't talk about God, the universe, or nature at college parties. You talk about sex, drugs, and sex. I hate it. I am closer to my professors than my roomates.
I shower and get ready every morning before school and put on a mask. The mask I wear is one of a conservative, agreeable, social party animal. The only reason I wear this mask is because my father successfully installed the significance and the need of societal acceptance into my brain as a child.
Forgive me for lying to the world via facebook. But I refuse to lie to a girl who is on my level of understanding.
And really, I'm not crazy, I am just overwhelmed and excited to be able to talk to someone who may think like me..."
Wow Cary, after that berating I wouldn't be surprised to find a puddle of ooze at his keyboard. He had it coming though. This is the end result of brash assumptions and stereotypes I'm afraid. I eagerly await his reply. If he has the guts to reply after that.
[quote=KCahill]Girls can be atheists?!?!?! Shit! When did this start to happen? [/quote]
Beautiful girls even. Who knew?
As a teenage guy, this kind of thing really pisses me off. I have ever only found kindred spirits in intelligent, thoughtful people, and honestly, I've found that more in girls than in guys. To me, it just seems as society represses girls far more than it does guys, and I hate it. Every girl that I've ever been close friends with has a deep and thoughtful mind, a caring soul, and the ability to think for herself. Bullshit like this makes my blood boil. It also makes me want to learn how to send viruses to people like that...
Kovash Tau'va!
per ardua ad astra
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
-Salvor Hardin, Foundation