So my dad takes me on a surprise trip

When we get there, it's the Creation museum. That place is designed for like...9 year olds. There is no science, no evidence, no logic presented at all. This is the gist of it all.
Your world view influences your conclusions. You can either accept Man's Reason, or God's Word. Man's Reason says this: describes evolution(one thing that annoyed me was they referred to astronomical and other stuff as evolution as well). God's Word says this: creationism. Who do you trust more?
They had this T-Rex. Now the average lab exerts about 100pounds psi with its bite. The crocodile exerts about 3000pounds psi. This is more than enough to go through a car door.. The T-Rex, with its massive half-moon teeth, exerts near 8 TONS per square inch. I can only imagine what that could do. Under this magnificent specimen of a predator/scavenger(some scientists have postulated) and carnivore is a sign reading: In God's original creation, all animals were vegetarians. Either A) God was planning for carnivores to be made and thus knew man would fail, and thus put him in a situation he was bound to fail in, or B) Carrots were extra crunchy back in those days, and lettuce was made of steel.
Ugh, creationists annoy me when they just shut out their ears and resort to anything as long as it contains "God did it".
i did my thesis on atheism. WHen I read Behe and Dembski, I at least felt the stirrings of being convinced, even though I already knew how I could justify.
When I read about creationism, I felt like going in a corner and crying at the obstinant stupidity.
I'm pretty sure creationists also cherrypick from ID as well, simply so they can say 'God did it'
I just love the image of a T-Rex, chomping on grass.
Apologies about the necromancy, but I didn't feel like posting this in a new topic:
[url=]Poll debunks Creation Museum[/url]
[quote]Poll debunks Creation Museum
Literal Bible claims not accepted by many
BY RYAN CLARK | [email protected]*
More than half of the people who agreed to answer a survey believe Answers in Genesis' Creation Museum is "bizarre," "Biblically inaccurate" or "scientifically unsound," a recent poll shows.
The Campaign to Defend the Constitution, which defines itself as "an online grassroots movement dedicated to fighting the growing influence of the religious right in American society," released the poll Thursday.
A national public opinion firm quizzed 800 likely voters across the country on religious issues, including what they thought of the museum, located in Petersburg.
"Recently a Creationism Museum opened up in Kentucky," the poll stated. "The museum portrays dinosaurs living alongside Adam and Eve as well as dinosaurs on Noah's Ark. Which of the following words best describes your view on this?"
The choices were: "Literal Word of God," "Biblically accurate," "Bizarre," "Biblically inaccurate," "Scientifically unsound" and "Not sure."
Fifty-four percent of the 800 responded "bizarre," "Biblically inaccurate" or "scientifically unsound," while 25 percent said they were unsure and 17 percent said the museum's views represented the "literal word of God" or were "Biblically accurate."
The survey found that 48 percent of people who said they attend church "every week" found the idea of the museum "bizarre," "Biblically inaccurate" or "scientifically unsound," while 23 percent were uncertain.
Twenty-nine percent of those who attend church every week agreed with the Creation Museum's view, answering it was "Biblically accurate" or the "literal word of God."
Lake Research Partners of Washington, D.C., conducted the telephone poll June 18-21. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percent.
The Campaign to Defend the Constitution also has led campaigns to "protect" science education and promote stem-cell research.
"We see it to be a very important poll," said Clark Stevens, co-director of the Campaign to Defend the Constitution. "The majority oppose the Creation Museum's views."
Attendance at the new museum has been stellar.
Museum officials said Thursday more than 40,000 visited in its first month. Answers in Genesis, the ministry that believes in the literal Bible, opened the $27 million museum May 28.
Stevens said the organization's Web site promoted a petition against the museum because they oppose the museum's claims that science back up their religious beliefs. Stevens said more than 25,000 have signed the petition.
Those at the Creation Museum were unconcerned about the poll's results.
"If that poll is valid ... then it just proves what we've been saying all along about the need for this museum," said Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis.
To see the full poll, visit www.[/quote]