[i]Thanks, LeftofLarry.[/i]
The Howard Huges Medical Institute offers free DVD's. One of them was the 2005 Holiday Lecture series on EVOLUTION featuring Sean Carroll and David Kinsgley. They will give you insights to contemporary DNA evidence of evolution. Beyond Darwin there is DNA evidence. I highly recommend this DVD and it's FREE. At the end of this there is also a panels discussion on the topic of Religion and Evolution. It's free.....and it will give you some background knowledge to arm yourself with against those pesky anti-evolutionists. The DNA evidence is hands down the most prolific argument you can make in support of evolution. Of course every molecular biologists knows this. Even Francis Collins knows this (he does not deny evolution, he just believes god drove it). Anyway.... get your free DVD.
Anybody want a free DVD?
I think some of you creationists should get one, it's hard to debate about evolution with some of you guys because you don't know anything about evolution...
Ok guys, I just got my dvd!
Cool! I wonder how many creationists will actually get one.
All of them...I wish.
Especially [url=]these guys[/url].
[quote=noor]Especially [url=]these guys[/url].[/quote]
Not them again....
BTW, there are more free dvds [url=]here[/url].
Also, you can suscribe to the site's [url=]Bulletin magazine[/url] and receive it by mail. Subscriptions are free.
Come on people! It's free!
I ordered, just waiting
It should arrive in like a week.
It's just that there are a few creationists here (like tey and Egann) that I hope would get one. :D
Yeah, as much as I've studied evolution, I by no means consider myself an expert, which is why I find it ironic when we argue for hours and hours(with all these arguments coming straight from the mouths of Behe and Dembski, the former of whom I perceive to be VERY bright, having read both of his books), and when one point is poked through, it's instant death. Logically, that is true, as many points as we prove can never entirely validate evolution, and falsification is a strong point to be made. However, we are not the end-all-be-all for evolution. Maybe one day I shall be, but Philosophy and Economics and PoliSci are more my thing anyways. I'd rather be Sam Harris than Richard Dawkins :)
Back to the actual topic, seeing actually experts(these are experts, right?) might elucidate some things, although I wish we could bottle up expert Evolutionary biologists(or even other scientists who rely on the theory of evolution for their results). In fact, even oil companies rely on evolutionary theories of fossil deposits to find oil.
[quote=AgnosticAtheist1]Yeah, as much as I've studied evolution, I by no means consider myself an expert, which is why I find it ironic when we argue for hours and hours(with all these arguments coming straight from the mouths of Behe and Dembski, the former of whom I perceive to be VERY bright, having read both of his books), and when one point is poked through, it's instant death. Logically, that is true, as many points as we prove can never entirely validate evolution, and falsification is a strong point to be made. However, we are not the end-all-be-all for evolution. Maybe one day I shall be, but Philosophy and Economics and PoliSci are more my thing anyways. I'd rather be Sam Harris than Richard Dawkins :)
Back to the actual topic, seeing actually experts(these are experts, right?) might elucidate some things, although I wish we could bottle up expert Evolutionary biologists(or even other scientists who rely on the theory of evolution for their results). In fact, even oil companies rely on evolutionary theories of fossil deposits to find oil.[/quote]
Alright, my other 3 dvds just arrived today! The magazine should come soon, though. (You're supposed to receive one every month, I think.)
Anybody else get their dvds?
yup! got: The double life of RNA, Science of Fat, and Of Hearts and Hypertension.
I don't you will have any takers considerring science gos against thier beliefs
Well, the DVD would be best for the creationists who come here and go all, "lol what proof do you have that we came from monkeys?? hmmm? u guys just have faith in it just like I have faith in God!"
That's the kind of creationist best suited for the DVDs.
They say "haha! you have faith, too!" as if faith is a bad thing.
Yeah...and then they go on to say they have faith in Jeebus. Wtf?
Oh well. They'll probably die out due to natural selection. :D
I heard Ray Comfort has [url=]declared victory[/url].
[quote] Just a quick note to let you know that the debate went wonderfully.[/quote]
Yeah, wonderfully for the RRS. :D
[quote]When I say "wonderfully," I have to qualify it. It was like an open air with an unreasonable and loud heckler. The "heckler" in this case wasn't just the two atheists we were there to debate, but the fifty atheists in the audience.[/quote]
Yeeeesh. They were all laughing at your coke can argument, idiot.
[quote]As per ABC's stipulations, the audience was composed half-and-half -- fifty Christians and fifty atheists. The Christians were very quiet and polite -- the atheists weren't.[/quote]
Yeeeaaahh right, the atheists were screaming and yelling rudely??
[quote]It was very apparant who was who in the audience. It seemed that no matter what we said, it was completely ignored by Brian and Kelly (the atheists) and then followed up with their anger, mockery, and insults.[/quote]
[quote]But as with a good open air, the heckler is simply a platform to speak to the crowd who is listening. In this case there is a crowd of millions who will hear clear, concise evidence for the existance of God.[/quote]
That has got to be the funniest part ever.
[quote] How incredible. So I am delighted, because of what we were able to say.[/quote]
Sure doesn't look like you're delighted in [url=] the pictures[/url].
[quote]Below is the press release and the information you need to watch the debate Wednesday.[/quote]
Now that's one useful part! I'll be watching it tomorrow on TV, can't wait. :D
[quote]Thanks for your prayers.
God bless,
Ray Comfort[/quote]
May the FSM touch you with His Noodly Appendage.
Yeah once the Invisible Pink Fairy comes they won't be Christians anymore.
The Fairy will vaporize them, can't wait.:)
I just ordered my copy! I'm looking forward to watching them!
I just wish all the cretinists would get one though.