Posted on: Fri, 2006-09-29 10:38
i recently found out that the SA government (or the future government) have been discussing nationalism although this is just a deffinite sign that i shud be getting the hell out of this country(which i will be doing as soon as im done with school)
personaly my opinion is that they will be basically having all the negative parts of comunism without any of the good parts
what are ur oppinions on a nationalist government/economic system?
personally, i don't know much about nationalism, but all i can say about it, is that it seems to be the beginning of a crazy empire :-P
nationalism is where the government(or the trade unions) takes control of all factories 'in the name of the people' and basically destroys free business and the entire economy with it
it is probably one of the most "proven not to work" practasis ever invented everyone who tries it almost always goes into recession and before long needs to be sent aid by the rest of the world
they tried the exact same thing during apartheid times here and it compleatly destroyed the economy(even more than it already was) its just so stupid that they would want to try and do it again
our polititions only think with their wallets
Another way some people define it is "devotion and loyalty to one's own nation; patriotism." Doesn't sound to bad, but sometime it gets blurred and warped to mean you must always support your government, or party, on every issue no matter what... At that point people start throwing around that “True” term and you get another red scare or witch hunt.
Personally I don't think leaving the country is the answer, although I wouldn't blame you. Also if you do have another place which you can call home or where you came from it would make more sense to just go back. However I'm one of those idealistic fools so I would rather die then just let my country go to shit.
err...if this ever happened to America, i would be like...frick this, i'm going to Canada.
Hope somehow that your politions are assasinated and some good people are put up so your country can get back on track.
good luck
The problem with just leaving is that all those crazy people get in power then you have world power ran by nuts. Then the're a bigger threat to the world...
Thats why they have ninjas to assasinate them...duhhhh
yes im also a canadian citizin so i will go back there
but every1 with brains leaves africa its called the brain drain. if u can leave u do!
the curent president isent the one planing it its between the labour unions and the vice president the labour unions have more political power than any1 else as the majority of the electorate is ilitirate and just votes for whomever their neibor is voting for or whomever they get told they should vote for
the people who are educated enough to realise what a devastating effect this will create are a insignificant minority
most ppl here vote based on tribal allegiances as aposed to who is the best candidate
Nationalism in the economic sense is thinly veiled socialism, which is a long-refuted ideology.
Nationalism in the patriotic sense brings us to Ingsoc (read 1984 by George Orwell if you don't get it).