It's up to you to make this world a better place...
Posted on: Sun, 2006-09-17 10:48

It's up to you to make this world a better place...
A piece by our friends at Guerilla News Network:
I saw this in a bulletin posted by the RRS and the second I got done watching it I reposted it
Pretty jazzy.
I did the same thing blood pig, however I'm afraid most people don't read those things. None of my friends repost them anyway.
Someone actually responded to it.
It was extremely long.
"The week of September 11 was an interesting time for me in that I changed a lot about how I viewed my place in the world, how I reacted to what happened around me.
When I first heard about the incident I felt nothing. Nothing but a dry surprise, a slight break in the day-to-day tedium of an early-morning commute to school.
It quickly dawned on me that most people were much more concerned. And for a while, I actually thought that it was a bad thing I was so unfazed by it.
Now I'm just beginning to see that the entire country very much overreacted. The war is a result of blind retaliation, a desire to prove ourselves the victors, the winners, the ones who came out on top in the end. The ones who were right.
And all we've done instead is dip our hands in more meaningless bloodshed.
They were buildings. They had people inside, but they were only two buildings. This country has destroyed in times of war alone far more buildings - places of work, places of gathering, millions of homes - than these "terrorists" have ever done in this country.
And we used to enjoy watching the very same happen. Countless movies and television shows in the tradition of the original Godzilla where cities and the inevitable yet unacknowledged human lives are considered inconsequential and certain casualties to larger causes.
About six or seven years ago the advertisement for yet another animated incarnation of the very same beast boasted of the massive number of buildings destroyed. You'd never hear that now. And why? Because the sum of all fears has become a reality: our seemingly secure, invincible home, which had remained untouched since the second world war, had become a target. But we should have had it coming anyway, after everything this country has destroyed.
I don't get it.
All I know is that to just make every effort to stop setting ultimatums, to stop reacting in kind, and to befriend and even tolerate those who have hurt us in the past is the only thing that has kept the human race alive and our world intact. Look at Japan. The Japanese were back in the fifties who those of the middle east are today. This too shall pass.
But no one ever learns. We've talked for millenia about principles that would seem obvious by now, but somehow, human spirit always gets in the way of careful thought.
I don't know. Sometimes it feels like we should just give up on doing things right.
But, it does usually happen in the end.
There, I think that was worthy of quoting myself on ;)
~Adam "
Well maybe all my myspace friends are pussys or something and can't respond to me. People really need to grow some balls or ovaries or something and get over all this religion/politics/events are taboo bullshit.
Hap-hap-hap-happy Ramadan
Awesome editing and creativity!
I have always realized what this clip is preaching, but it is still great.
I loved when dueling banjos started playing. :)