Picture Post?
Posted on: Sat, 2007-05-26 13:00

Picture Post?
I'm hella active in another forum & our picture post have like 500 pages.
Stir up a little camaraderie, no? :D
This is mee:
hxc dancingggg. ><
when I had blackkk hair.
most recent. =/
don't hate cause I'm fat/new!
My pirate pic:
I'm the admin, I can post any picture I want. :P
That's what I look like in pre-cal class...sexy right :B
Toxi, do you still have your godly mod powers?
Bored. -_-
I have no idea what I really want to post...but I want to post [i]something[/i].
So here's my fist. :)
[b]All day![/b]
Somebody took this picture of me when I wasn't looking. Bastard.
I use to have pictures, but NASA took them for a study, so all I got is my default. The rest are on Myspace, and the're of my car.
Me working on homework at the computer.
[quote=American Atheist]Somebody took this picture of me when I wasn't looking. Bastard.
Argh. The same thing happened to me too!
Studying for my final:
Yes, I know that one is a little crazy. :P
At my office. (Always dark, just the way I like it.)
Cool. I had to turn my head alllll the way around to see it. :P
And I should have some pictures from school tomorrow, it's a party day. Whee hee!
Party like it's 1999.
...again. ;)
Day went great. And at the end of the day while everyone was anxiously waiting for the final bell, I was scribbling about how democracy sucks and a teacher saw it. ;)
Sweet. :D
Noor, im a pirate too!
FSM house party. :)
[quote=adaypastdead]Noor, im a pirate too! [/quote]
Sweet. Pirate party! :D
My neighbor was having a house party and I couldn't sleep. I became bored and took this pic. This was 3 months ago.
i would have went tto the party, not taken a picture.
There was no beer.
So I took a pic to cheer myself up. :(
We have the lamest parties over here. I can't wait until I move to California, because I heard that Cali knows how to party. ;)