how are christians expecting jesus to return?

im not sure about this one but are christians expecting jesus to return from the sky glowing gold and wearing white , decending to earth in some kind of miricle ?
id really like to hear a Evangelists view on this.
i personaly think he was just a man , not the son of god , just a man with a good idea, a fair idea , but i also think the essence of a great idea has been and gone and will continue to come and go as the christian faith over the centuaries has killed many a revolutionary and will continue to as long as it exists , subdueing every rational thought people have.
each faith refuses to recognise the base principals it shares, why cant we live with morals and not just religion.
whos gona beleive the man that says hes jesus , christians would ask him to prove it , yet we athiests are asking christains to prove the existance of god and jesus ,and they cant , yet they still believe. but they would ask for proof of this mans statement to. seems a bit backwards to me and contradictory.
if the lord is your shepherd and your waiting for jesus to return , then you beleive your sheep?
im sorry but it doesnt condone the right to fuck everything up in beleiveing we are all sheep and need guiding ,otherwise it prevents rational people from advancing.
if you are sheep i suggest you wait quietly for your shepherd to return in a feild far away from anything rational and creative.
just what are christians expecting of jesus?
[quote]im not sure about this one but are christians expecting jesus to return from the sky glowing gold and wearing white , decending to earth in some kind of miricle ?[/quote]
Depends on where in the bible you are reading...
[url=]Jesus' return in Legos[/url]
Basically, He will come flying on a cloud (much like Goku) and blow a trumpet, summoning angels. Then, He and his angels will kill all the unbelievers... Yay?
[quote]just what are christians expecting of jesus?[/quote]
Just what he promises.. He says that he will establish a heavenly kingdom for all his followers; Though he also said that it would happen within the generation that they were living in... before some of them died..
Basically, He will come flying on a cloud (much like Goku) and blow a trumpet, summoning angels.
i would laugh to no end; that would be by far the funniest thing i'd ever seen. SO worth it.
well....Its like my good teacher Mr Spurlock said. "Have you ever seen a dead guy walk around? Have you seen anyone walk on water before? Didnt think so" .....ya well he is right...I havent seen any guy ever do those mean whats the chances of something floating and glowing falling twords the people... I mean really