This board!
Posted on: Sat, 2006-09-09 16:48

This board!
This board is getting huge and super hard for me to keep up with. I've only been here for 5 days and it's growing exponentially, hahaha. I wonder what it will be like in a few months.
Im glad i joined it now so i atleast i can get my view out and make a name for myself before it gets to big to be noticed.
Yeah no kidding. It was really slow until that one night when Bryan and I posted constantly lol
Hahaha, I saw that. I'm glad I got here while it was young too because kids on other message boards are dicks about n00bs so I'm really happy to not be one. Someday I could even be a veteran. Haha...
shut up noOb!
hahahahahaha, we joined the same day buddy!
ha, in a few months it will hit its carrying capacity and start growing at a logistic rate :)
I know :-) hahaha
I was just being a jackass lol!
hahaha, no worries, it's all in good fun :)
Just when I thought I was done with lame-ass message boards this one comes around.
I must say though, this one's far from lame.
I'm just pissed i'm addicted.
Hahaha, for real. This is my first message board I've been a part of and it's started to take control of my life.
I was an admin for a band message board until I grew out of the band.
I had like..6000 posts or some shit when I quit lmfao
hooooooooly shit. mad props. hahaha
Haha, yeah I just joined several days ago when there were only a few topics posted. Now there's already a crap-ton. This is the first message board that I've stuck with too, I feel like I should be keeping up with everything!
Try having to be a admin on here :)
its not too hard
Geese i thought i was posting a lot this place is booming lets just hope it stays on topic.
Haha...half the topics are off topic now I do believe lol
...I'm not a n00b either!
But I do often help get the boards off topic...BAD ME!