Stephen's blog

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Veg. Rebuttal

I posted a blog about a couple of the reasons that I am a vegetarian... First a rebuttal of a comment I recieved.

[i]"So you stop eating it?

There's plenty of space to go around, you know. This isn't Hong Kong or anything"[/i]
It depends on the perspective of the reader.
Still, as a humanist, I can't imagine eatting something that requires more food than I do [b]just to be produced[/b]!
It seems wasteful. But I don't think that it is immoral to eat meat or anything (as I made clear). I just prefer not to take liberties that I don't miss (the same with fuel consumption).

[i]"Meat is not unhealthy. What part of meat is unhealthy? Meat is the BEST source of protein and B12 on the planet. Plants do not satisfy our system as well as meat does."[/i]

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On vegetarianism

I am a vegetarian, though I always follow that up with, I don't think I am better than anyone else because of that.

My reasons are as follows:
1.Meat (esp. beef) is an extremly ineffient source of food. We feed a cow the equivalent of the grain needed for a small family. Also, cows take up massive amount of space (1 acre yields 165 lbs of beef or 20,000 lbs of potatoes*).

2.Meat is unhealthy. It can be a source of nutrition but it is unnessary. All the chemical energy in meat can be traced to plants. And soy is a better source of protein..

3. It's gross (to me... its a reason not an arguement).

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