bulldog729er's blog

Question about jesus' existence
Submitted by bulldog729er on Sun, 2006-10-29 17:01.Theist vs. Atheist on the existence of Jesus Christ
Jesus existed because I have faith he existed vs. -faith is irrational and one can't use faith to prove empirical evidence
Jesus Christ existed because the bible said he existed vs. -the bible was written 30-40 years after his supposed existence
-It had no other resources to support it
There were four main historians that have evidence of his existence
-Josepheus, Tacitus, Seutonius, Pliny the Younger
-All of these sources were written later than 95 AD

Submitted by bulldog729er on Mon, 2006-10-23 17:38.Are there mythical heroes, besides christ, that were born of virgins? If so can I have a list of three or four? I'm trying to explain to a friend that a prophecy made in Isaiah could have been meant for other so called messiahs. thanks

Submitted by bulldog729er on Tue, 2006-10-17 22:27.So a week from now I have a christian retreat. Not just a 4-6 hour retreat at school I have once a year, but a big retreat for seniors that last ten hours: 8-6 at some church by my school. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to pass the time or topics to bring up with the priest. I'll probably end up buying and wearing a shirt from DoubleDoh! and maybe i'll rip into him a bit if he mentions any mythological characters. Perhaps I'll read letter to a christian nation when I get bored. It's just a thought.

What are my rights?
Submitted by bulldog729er on Tue, 2006-09-19 20:16.I go to a Catholic high school (I'm forced to go). This friday there's a prayer service. Do I have the right to refuse to go to the prayer service or did I give up that right when I started going to this school?

George Bush's bias against atheists
Submitted by bulldog729er on Fri, 2006-09-15 20:49.George W Bush is biased against people with certain philosophical beliefs. He says atheists should not be considered citizens. Is this right?
Robert I. Sherman:
"Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are atheists?"
George Bush:
"No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."
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