
The remarkable thing about humans is their ability to overcome. It is our adaptability that sets us apart. Animals adapt and it takes thousands of years. We can adapt in a split-second. We are the gods of this world, and anyone who says otherwise is a hopeless fool. Drink your opiates of religion. Live in your false reality. Denial of your unimportant existence will give you nothing but death. All of us deserve death. That is why we are put here, to die. There is no point in your life. You are not here to survive. You are not here to find your identity. You do what you want because you are the god of your world. Those of you who can't listen to the other gods of this world, the good advice at least, lose your godly status. You become a servant to your nothingness. Hollow shells of human flesh. I'm tired of all in the ingrates. You appreciate nothing, not even the meaningless life that you have. Constantly abusing your god and you don't even see it. Destroying yourself little by little, but you know what? That's okay. You do it to yourself. You give the gods something to laugh at. While I want your existence to end, I still enjoy watching your pathetic little body decay. We are all equal gods in this existence. All of us are equal to nothing. Nothing in our personality, intelligence, or strength will keep us from death. All of us feel the need to be with someone. You want them, and even though your horrible existence is crashing slowly, you are with them. You want to crash with them. We all want to die in a burning flame with someone else. None of us want to die alone. We fear what is after this existence, but I'll tell you what is there. It is probably a few neurons firing in your head while you take your last breath. Your strong mind is sitting there, dying, trying to do what it does best. Your life comes crashing before your eyes, and then you die. That's it. Game over for you. Existence is still nothing, and now you are less than nothing. You don't exist. You are gone from all the realities. Your spark is dead and nothing will ever bring it back. Of course we have "miracles" where science plays god, and people come back into this existence, but they lost their life. Now they aren't the same person they were. They are now just death waiting to come again. Your time was up. You defied the order. You cannot just simply defy the order of life and expect to just live in this existence. Reality will come back, and it will crash harder. Just hope this time around you have someone to keep you warm while you turn cold. 6 feet down is your destination. The worms have been waiting for you since you were born. Living is living and dying is dying. You are the gods, and even the gods fall. Manipulators of destiny and we still can't escape the one evil which has destroyed us for an eternity.
Oh, really?
I'm going to have to disagree with everything you said. It seems like you've adapted some type of existentialist/humanist philosophy gone terribly awry.
First of all, it is a bit too soon to tell about humanity's "ability to overcome." Don't fall into the trap that Richard Dawkin's warns us about in The Blind Watchmaker (or maybe it was The Ancestor's Tale...?), and that trap is assuming that humans are the 'be all end all' of evolutionary existence. Relatively speaking, we've been on earth only a few short years. We may be extinct in a matter of millenia. There are other animals, such as the woolly mammoth, who walked the earth much longer than we have at this point.
Second of all, you said, "That is why we are put here, to die." I object to the notion that we were "put here" at all. To say "put here " is to imply a creator...a creator who gave people some kind of purpose. What evidence is there for that? Doesn't evidence support that we evolved from the tiniest specks of matter...acquiring different traits that improved our (all species) ability to survive? Wouldn't that mean, in a sense, that our purpose IS to least on a purely molecular, evolutionary level.
You said a lot, and it's difficult to respond to all of it. So I won't.
Darkfox wrote:We are the
[quote=Darkfox]We are the gods of this world, and anyone who says otherwise is a hopeless fool.[/quote]
"My mind is my own Church" - Thomas Paine
I agree with you on that statement to a certain degree, and thought I should point it out considering I'm about to disagree.
[quote]All of us deserve death. That is why we are put here, to die. [/quote]
We weren't put here to die, we weren't put here with any reason at all, not that we have evidence for at least. We are here as a set of random coincidences that over a long enough timeline managed to bring us into existence.
[quote]There is no point in your life.[/quote]
This point of yours is actually self refuting. You see, if there really is no point in our life then you have no point. There was no reason for you to post, if what you're saying is true (it's not true). Our purpose or "point" is what you make it to be. If you make your point to end irrational thought (me) or make your point to be irrational (the theist), or make your point to tell others there is no point (you)... we all still have a point. Our point is what we choose... even if we try hard to have "no point" that is still "our point."
[quote]You are not here to survive. You are not here to find your identity.[/quote]
We're not here to not do those things either.
People are currently studying transhumanism. In fact the man hosting this site is a big proponent of it. [url=]Read his blog on it here[/url], and use the same login and password you used here to comment on his blog if you choose.
[quote]You do what you want because you are the god of your world.[/quote]
[quote]Those of you who can't listen to the other gods of this world, the good advice at least, lose your godly status. You become a servant to your nothingness. [/quote]
Does that mean you wont refute my arguments risking becoming a servant to nothingness?
[quote]While I want your existence to end, I still enjoy watching your pathetic little body decay.[/quote]
You take joy in watching others grow old?
[quote] We are all equal gods in this existence. [/quote]
In some degrees yes. In others, we're far from it.
The homeless man who doesn't try to better the world is not equal to Benjamin Franklin.
All of us are equal to nothing. Nothing in our personality, intelligence, or strength will keep us from death.[/quote]
Enough research can easily lead to the freakishly weird sounding transhumanism, which allows people to live for extremely long lengths of time. I'm hesitant to say "forever" because in another 5-10 billion years the sun is set to engulf the Earth... it'll be hard to live through that.
[quote]All of us feel the need to be with someone.[/quote]
Well clearly you do, and I think I fit that bill, but I'm not sure how accurate that generalization is. I have known of some loners in my day that would've wanted the exact opposite.
[quote] We all want to die in a burning flame with someone else. None of us want to die alone.[/quote]
I don't care how I die.
[quote]We fear what is after this existence, but I'll tell you what is there.[/quote]
I don't fear what is after this existence.
[quote]It is probably a few neurons firing in your head while you take your last breath. Your strong mind is sitting there, dying, trying to do what it does best. Your life comes crashing before your eyes, and then you die. That's it. Game over for you.[/quote]
Sounds fairly accurate.
[quote]Existence is still nothing, and now you are less than nothing.[/quote]
Of course being "less than nothing" is a logical impossibility. It's like a "married bachelor" it's an impossibility.
What Sapient said.
What Sapient said.
Quote:We weren't put here to
[quote]We weren't put here to die, we weren't put here with any reason at all, not that we have evidence for at least. We are here as a set of random coincidences that over a long enough timeline managed to bring us into existence. [/quote]
I agree with the statement. I just stated that we were here to die because people try so hard to find a meaning to life. The problem is there is no meaning. We are born, we live, and then we die. If you want to go as far as I did, we are here and we die, thus put here to die.
[quote]Does that mean you wont refute my arguments risking becoming a servant to nothingness? [/quote]
Well you could considerate it a risk, but questioning advice isn't the same as completely denying truth. Some people deny the perspective of other's just because it is different than their own. Close-mindedness is a far too common thing, and the point of the statement was to offend those kind of people.
[quote]In some degrees yes. In others, we're far from it.
The homeless man who doesn't try to better the world is not equal to Benjamin Franklin. [/quote]
Considering the vastness of the universe, the impact Benjamin Franklin has is about as miniscule as the homeless man's.
Darkfox wrote: I agree with
I agree with the statement. I just stated that we were here to die because people try so hard to find a meaning to life. The problem is there is no meaning. We are born, we live, and then we die. If you want to go as far as I did, we are here and we die, thus put here to die.[/quote]
There is no predetermined meaning, agreed. So there is no "meaning to FIND." There is however meaning to make. You make a meaning for yourself, even if it's the attempt at having no meaning, or the posting of a blog telling others they have no meaning... we all clearly have meaning, a purpose, and a point.
[quote]Close-mindedness is a far too common thing, and the point of the statement was to offend those kind of people.[/quote]
Agreed, and I hope it offends them. ;-)
[quote][quote]In some degrees yes. In others, we're far from it.
The homeless man who doesn't try to better the world is not equal to Benjamin Franklin. [/quote]
Considering the vastness of the universe, the impact Benjamin Franklin has is about as miniscule as the homeless man's.
True I agree with that to a degree however if you look at it through the minisculity (is that a word?) of the USA, Franklin made a huge impact compared to the homeless man.
Also consider that Franklin harnessed electricity, what if one day our civilization is responsible for something amazing like being able to live eternally or saving the universe from ripping in half... I can guarantee that huge event would only be possible as a result of harnessing electricty. In that sense someday we may be able to look back at Franklin as one of the most important people in the universe. Personally I don't think we'll live that long. I think the religious fundamentalists will have destroyed humanity by then, most likely through war.
The transhumanist promises
The transhumanist promises although interesting, sound a lot like religious wishful thinking. I think that we are made to die eventually, even if we construct indestructible bodies, our minds will unavoidably grow senile at some point.