Who is cooler?
Submitted by Nick on Tue, 2006-09-19 18:52.
Richard Dawkins
37% (33 votes)
Sam Harris
12% (11 votes)
Carl Segan
12% (11 votes)
Richard Carrier
1% (1 vote)
Charles Darwin
37% (33 votes)
Total votes: 89
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Who is cooler?
Submitted by Nick on Tue, 2006-09-19 18:52.
Richard Dawkins 37% (33 votes) Sam Harris 12% (11 votes) Carl Segan 12% (11 votes) Richard Carrier 1% (1 vote) Charles Darwin 37% (33 votes) Total votes: 89 » Rational Squad Alerts |
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I'm a Dawkins fanboy but
I'm a Dawkins fanboy but that was a hard choice... they're all great!
p.s. (it's spelled sAgan :P)
The poll doesn't seem to be
The poll doesn't seem to be rendering properly, and I can't seem to edit the spelling of Sagan. I picked Sam Harris.
Picked Charles Darwin. If it
Picked Charles Darwin. If it wasnt for him, most would be theist.
Yup. Charles Darwin for me
Yup. Charles Darwin for me too.
Sorry about the misspelling,
Sorry about the misspelling, guys...
Dawkins is awesome, he reminds me a lot of Dr. House.
I choose Sagan since hsi
I choose Sagan since hsi book, Demon Haunted world, changed my life/
I chose Richard Dawkins. He
I chose Richard Dawkins. He made me like science again.
Darwin....had it not been
Darwin....had it not been for his theory of evolution, the smart thinkers would not have been able to see beyond the lies of religion.
my theory, religion was created as a means of control. developed by those high in power who feared of their lowers becoming unruly and they feared an overthrow. so they made up "God" and told stories of Heaven and Hell to instill fear into those willing to accept them, and to give them hope. to make them live their lives by the way the king or other high level figure intended for them to live. obeying every rule, listening to every command. bunch of fuckin bullshit if you ask me
I went with Dawkins, but
I went with Dawkins, but yeah every scientist works off of the people before him. However Darwin alone didn't really give people reasons to see past religion, as least not everyone. Atheism began with basic questions and that was done by the greeks. People like Thomas Paine and Voltaire did great things too. Also other scientist, a large number whom were christian, discredited things about the church. I suggest watching this a lot of great stuff. Though I should get out my point atheism isn't a science only thing, it is also about a way of thinking. Note: you could also make the argument that science is about a way of thinking too.
Sam Harris.
Sam Harris.
Who is cooler?
THOMAS PAINE. teehehe!
I answered Sam Harris, I really enjoyed his "end of faith" book.
In Reason:
I picked Richard Dawkins.
I picked Richard Dawkins.
I would just like to say
I would just like to say that Charles Darwin DID NOT "invent" the Theory of Evolution. Evolution had been around for years, Darwin did "invent" Natural Selection, which was shunned quite a bit, especially before genetics gave evidence. Just to clear that up.
Oh btw, I chose Dawkins.
Richard Carrier
I know this sounds weird, and the others probably are just as well off, but I picked Carrier because after listening to the "Drunk Show" of the RRS, and hearing Carrier speak after having 10 shots, I was surprised at how good he is. ;)
Tough one but went with
Tough one but went with Darwin, for reasons mentioned above.
i liked dawkins and segan,
i liked dawkins and segan, but i had to go with dawkins, he rocks
Dawkins is too chicken to even debate him. He turned him down.
McGrath has two doctorates. One in Theology and one in molecular biology, both from Oxford. And he says Dawkins is a nutt.
Euthymios wrote:THE DAWKINS
[quote=Euthymios]THE DAWKINS DELUSION, by McGrath
Dawkins is too chicken to even debate him. He turned him down.
McGrath has two doctorates. One in Theology and one in molecular biology, both from Oxford. And he says Dawkins is a nutt.[/quote]
Might I suggest you check this out:
Quote:Dawkins is too chicken
[quote]Dawkins is too chicken to even debate him.[/quote]
Hm. Sounds like you. You post, we debate you, and you post on another topic. Why do you bother yourself on a teen site? Why not join RationalResponse and debate someone your age so you would not have to be schooled by teenagers.
And by the way... Your wrong, like usual, about [url=http://home.gci.net/~basinger/Blog/McGrath%20vs%20Dawkins.htm]debating. [/url]
For the love of Darwin, and all that is wholly evolved :D
"And from my rotting body flowers shall grow, and I am in them, and that is Eternity"
-Edvard Munch
<3 Tree-hugging atheist girl <3