Orwellian language

Basically, this is a make-as-many-orwell-refrences-as-possible thread.
1984 Ingsoc slogans like "Ingsoc is Newspeak and Newspeak is Ingsoc" and the immortal "WAR IS PEACE - FREEDOM IS SLAVERY - IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH" really strike a chord with me.
As Orwell said, political language is designed to decieve, make crimes appear just, and give the appearance of solidity to the wind.
Put these together into political speech. We have political words designed to conceal the true nature of things thrown at us just watching the news.
We have wars on drugs, the soon-to-be-declared war-on-immigration, national security, pax americana, and the like.
A great way to show off the stupidity of people's claims is to throw it into the framework of orwellian slogans.
"Imperialism is peace, freedom is security, and nationalism is strength." -GOP
"Interventionism is peace, freedom is democracy, rhetoric is strength." -PBS
"Defenselessness is peace, freedom is free lunch, dependancy is strength." -DNC
Get the idea?
Another thing I like to say is "If war is peace, you're a republican. If freedom is slavery, you're a democrat. If ignorance is strength, you're a voter."
Professional sports is prolefeed. So is rap.
Any analogies to the four Ministries is welcome as well.
Anyone who can think up good ones wins the internet. So start making orwell refrences!
All the good ones are taken.
I don't think anyone will bust their brains trying think of a new one and win the internet. :-p
"Samuel L. Jackson is peace, freedom is Samuel L. Jackson, and Samuel L. Jackson is strength." -Tom
This one is from the other forum at rationalresponders.com
"God is love, love is blind. Ray Charles is blind, Ray Charles is God."
Hahah I love that one
Ha! :D
No wait, not rap, commercial rap. I'm an old hip hop fanatic and the originals are bright artists. Nas, Rakim, A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, easily some of the most creative minds I've ever listened to. Nas made the point that rap is dead with his new album, Hip Hop is Dead.
I must be missing something... what?
saying that rap is prolefeed or in other words, it's like newspeak in 1984, i would agree that commercial rap is, but not the root from which hip hop formed. hip hop used to be beatiful, beaten poetry, but the rich man made a corporate game out of it.
umm... okay? Hehe, fine.
[quote=Dusty]saying that rap is prolefeed or in other words, it's like newspeak in 1984, i would agree that commercial rap is, but not the root from which hip hop formed. hip hop used to be beatiful, beaten poetry, but the rich man made a corporate game out of it.[/quote]
They say hip-hop is dead, but Immortal Technique awoken the spirit. if you like hip hop, and some real talk. go check him out if you havn't already but i doubt it cuz the artist you listed don't even compare.