Theory Concerning Global Warming and a New Ice Age
Posted on: Sun, 2006-10-01 15:54

Theory Concerning Global Warming and a New Ice Age
Basicly, we can never know when the next ice age is going to come, but global warming is speeding it up. The weather can change drasticaly (not like the day after tommorow) but more into one year can be perfectly fine, then the next year i just drops and in 5 years, summer and spring don't even show up.
This is pretty freaky, and the only place to really be safe of this would be near the equater, but we will probably evolve, and make it habitable.
wow. somehow in all the discussions i've had about global warming, we've never talked very indeptly about the possiblity of another ice age, but this article makes me want to bring it up next time i'm in ecology.
very nice article. mm hmm. -pixie
I can't remember the theory behind how global-warming would cause another ice-age, would you please enlighten me?
Thats why i put the link there :)
The basics of it are that when global warming happens, the major icecaps melt, there for disrupting the balance of that underwater "conveyor" belt that brings warm air up north. This will cause a sudden decrease in temperature, because the gulf stream air will cease to exist to the north, and will be plunged into winters that last lifetimes.
wooo, dramatic :P
Sorry, I didn't see the link.
I don't think that an Ice age is as likely to occur as increased sea level, because global warming seems to bo occuring more slowly over a longer period of time, which would seem to slowly melt the ice caps, increasing in water level. In the past 10 or so years, the world avg. temp has risen around 4 or 5 degrees farenheit I believe. Considering H2O's melting point, by the time a glacier would be formed, the rays would most likely be metling the glacier as soon as it was formed.
Its not much about the sea level rising, but more about the melting disrupting the flow of the conveyor belt. Which from what i've read, is extremely unstable.
That would be a matter of how much force would able to be applied to the new quantity in water to maintin flow of water, and how much could.
not much more :P
can't put a number to it, since tools weren't around back then to measure when the other ice ages happened :)
That is an interesting topic. I didn't think of another ice age occuring
I think global warming is bull. The following is all regurgitated material I've heard/read and never seen refuted.
30 years ago Times Magazine ran an article about how if we didn't stop polluting, we'd be in an ice age soon and global cooling was going to destroy us all.
It goes in cycles. From the 1910s to the 1940s we had global warming. From the 1940s to the 1970s we had global cooling. From 1970 to 2000 we had global warming. Does it seem like too farfetched a conclusion to believe that come 2025 we'll be refuting all the global warming stuff and replacing it with global cooling stuff?
A number of weather stations are located in Urban Heat Islands. Know how the concrete and asphalt gets really hot in the sun? In cities, where hardly a patch of sunlight falls and lands somewhere other than a street or rooftop, you get a heat island effect. That's why weathermen sometimes say it'll be 80, but 83 or so in the city. Increasing urban development amplifies this. That's why over time, the global temperature appears to increase. The same source I got this from said that weather balloon data showed no signs of an overall increase in temperature, because they aren't effected by the Urban Heat Island effect.
I've also heard that the sun has been hotter in the past 100 years, and there's nothing we can do about that.
I've also heard that there is a consencus among scientists that global warming is occuring. I've been told that a greater proportion of scientists believing in global warming are not meteorologists, among whom fewer believe in global warming. I've been told by the same source that democracy doesn't work in science. The world is not in a certain state of affairs because a majority of supposed "experts" feels that it is in that state of affairs. And the majority is not always right. A lot of people actually believe that women have more ribs than men do. That doesn't make it true, and it certainly isn't grounds to do something about it.
But everyone talks about global warming like it's a proven, irrefutable fact, and it's causes are a proven, irrefutable fact, and that we can do something about it, as if the causes were even known if we assume that it's actually happening.
People have been screaming doom and gloom to try to make things happen since time began. "You're going to hell" and "We're going to be invaded by communists" have given way to "We're going to make the earth hot as hell" and "This country is becoming communist." These doom and gloom predictions almost never come true.
Meh. [/slightly off-topic rant]
one thing...doesnt our sun grow.....and become bigger and hotter? wouldnt that make sense!?
That, to my understanding, does not happen until it runs out of Nuclear Fuel, at which point we have about 10 minutes to get off the planet anyhow.
Aside from that, the sun does not take in enough outside fuel to make it any hotter. It is already so big that the random particles or asteroids in space can't stoke the nuclear flame at all.
As a side note, Temperature on the Sun shouldn't matter unless it is literally heating us up directly. Rather, it is the energy from the emitted light.
[quote=JoshHickman]That, to my understanding, does not happen until it runs out of Nuclear Fuel, at which point we have about 10 minutes to get off the planet anyhow.[/quote]
Stars massively increase in size during their lifetimes. Our star is fairly young and so still very small.
[quote]Aside from that, the sun does not take in enough outside fuel to make it any hotter. It is already so big that the random particles or asteroids in space can't stoke the nuclear flame at all.[/quote]
It doesn't require outside fuel. It already has as much fuel as it can burn as fast is it can burn it.
[quote]As a side note, Temperature on the Sun shouldn't matter unless it is literally heating us up directly. Rather, it is the energy from the emitted light. [/quote]
The only reason we can even detect an increase in the sun's temperature is because of the additional energy we're recieving from it. It's not like we stick thermometers on the sun's surface and measure it like that.
1. Prove Global Warming
2. Saying "Its getting hotter" doesnt prove it
3. The Planet does heat up due to Greenhouse Effect
4. Greenhuse effect is the most esental object for our (along with everything else's) exestence since we would freeze.
5. The Greenhouse gasses are Water Vapor, CO2, CFCs, and gasses such as Methane. Note that CFC is the olny man-made gass.
Hmm, as I see it (which could be completly wrong), the world is warming but scientists are still disputing what exactly is causing it. I do know that one volcano going off has more of an effect than many years of our smog pollution (i think the mini-ice age was caused by a volcano)
And i have heard that sunspots have been increasing (or decreasing i dont know) anyway the sunspot activity has changed and I heard that sunspots had somehting to do with global warming.
I am (again) not sure about this, but I think that the sun will expand and then become a white dwarf... eventually cooling
I heard that this would occur in 6 billion years (i dont know where so if anyone could correct me...)
If our sun was much bigger then it would go supernova and then blackhole.
I could be way off on this though..
Honestly I need a meaningful conclusion on global warming. If I can prove pirates are cool, we need more info.
I love the flying spagetti monster!
But Cqresearcher from my college online database says that
[quote]According to widely accepted meteorological evidence, the average global temperature has risen about 1 degree Fahrenheit since the turn of the century. Scientists are now predicting an additional 2-7 degree rise in the 21st century if current trends continue unchecked.[/quote]
[quote]Last December, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a worldwide network of 2,500 scientists, announced that the evidence of global warming was undeniable, albeit difficult to accurately quantify. “Nevertheless,” the panel declared in its report, “the balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible human influence on global climate.”[/quote]
[quote]But while climatologists agree that Earth's temperature is rising, some dispute the level of man's contribution to the rise. The main flaw in the science, they say, lies in the computer representations of global climate known as “general circulation models.”[/quote]
I dont know if this helped, The general theme of the paper is that global warming is happening, it is caused in part by humans. However, we do not know the extent of the part by humans or the full effects of global warming on the environment.
I guess that as of this article (1996) we hadnet come to a conclusion.. i do not know if we have changed since then in our positions
Cooper, M. H. (1996, November 1). Global warming. CQ Researcher, 6, 961-984. Retrieved December 18, 2006, from CQ Researcher Online,
P.S. I hope that i cited this properly and that this is not in some way a violation of the copyright or plagerism
I think this image nicely sums up why I think global warming is idiocy.
Present is on the left side (0). 400 thousand years ago is on the right.
With those fluctuations, I don't think we can attribute any of our activity to global climate change for the next 20 thousand years or so.
Good point I guess. I heard if you plotted a least- regression line we would get a slope of 2 degrees per century, but on that chart, it looks like it would be negitive! But only my about .1 degree every million years.
Well, that chart definently casts doubt on the scientists telling us that it is definently human based.
oh man, another ice age? i can deal with the world tipping off it's axis, but if anothe ice age comes around im so thin i'll freeze to death.