Right to Die
Posted on: Tue, 2007-06-05 22:22
Right to Die
I never posted a topic in a while, so I decided to post one on Dr. Kevorkian. He has been released from jail this month and still approves to the right to die. I personally to support the right, but what do you think? Should all Americans have to the right to die or should it be illegal?
I'm for it. If people don't want to be on life support if something happens they ought to sign a contract saying they don't want to live on life support. If they don't sign it, that kind of seems to imply that they don't care that much.
of course people should have the right to die, and not just americans.
if you have a sick and dying dog you will either shoot it (if your in the bush) or take it to the vets for it to be put down. now y spend money to kill an animal which is almost dead??
its because its inhumain to keep a pet alive when its suffering like that.......... so y is it any diffrent 4 humans??
Im very surpised not to see a theist post their toughts on the right to die. Id guess they would be against it.
[quote]Im very surpised not to see a theist post their toughts on the right to die. Id guess they would be against it.[/quote]
yer, its classed as suiside and they are very much against that
Yea that leads to... What Huck Finn would call the "bad place". Lol.
....... wot "church" :P
I am for the right to die all the way. The way it is today the closest we have to exercising our right to die is if/when we refuse treatment, even when it's life saving and usually when a Senior Citizen. It's not right that people have to refuse treatment, suffer in pain in order to end the pain in the first place. If I am ever in an accident or terminally ill I want the right to die the right way - by lethal injection. To me this is not the same as suicide because at that point I would either die anyway or have no quality of life and slowly, painfully die anyway. Living a life with no quality of life is to me existing as the living dead. Religious people don't understand it's not going against a god by assisting a person to go to their god or just simply no longer exist. I think it's the latter. They are against assisting a person to die but at the same time they go against their own beliefs by forcing people to live with the assistance of medical technology, medicine that keeps the patient alive but doesn't improve their quality of life. They never think maybe their god wants that person to die and be with it - no - they think, claim what they want to see and think. By using feeding tubes, breathing machines they are actually going against what is naturally meant to happen to the sick, dyeing, severely ill/disabled, immobile. If a person is hooked up to machines that enable the person to communicate their wishes then their wishes should be carried out regardless of what the religious think is right or wrong. The decision should be up to the person who wants or doesn't want lethal injection. This is why it's so important to have a living will. Although a living will won't allow you the respect, compassion of dyeing peacefully, humanely it will at least allow you to choose a head of time to choose to die under the circumstances you would choose to. Unfortunately it doesn't prevent the Dr's. religious nosy fanatics, etc from forcing you to die a painful, slow death. It's not murder either. If they really believed it's against the will of their god then they wouldn't go against their god by prolonging life that is no longer a real life but just existing. They would be merciful like the god they believe to be and allow people to be relieved of the agonizing pain, suffering or brain dead by assisting them to go to the thing/ place/god they believe the patient would go to.
I am totally for the right to
die. In fact I think about it all the time. My life is my own and when it becomes too much of a burden to live it, then I have no desire to continue.
"Life is my prison and death is my parole."