This is just the tip of the iceberg. Church groups trying to stamp out a book many people love?
Posted on: Sun, 2007-04-29 10:49

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Church groups trying to stamp out a book many people love?
[img][/img] Sounds like something out of the Middle Ages, right? Yet it is happening today. There is something here some people do not want you to see. Click Here to see what both sides have to say. This is a non commercial message produced by the UR Fans Club for your information. If you are already a UR Fan and would like to help by forwarding this message to your friends please click here.
Interesting. Is UR a book about the workings of the universe that contradicts Christian teachings?
Oh, I see. I'm not surprised though.
The link diddnt work for me... and it seems to be a weird little manuscript ... As far as it goes, what does it have that a breif history of time would not?
so they tryed to ban it ay, the only reason they would want it banned would be cause they fear it. if they did not fear it they they should be encoreging people to read it, one cant fully understand something without removing all doubt and to remove all doubt about something one must view arguments from all diffrent perceptions.