Bill O'Reilly interviews Richard Dawkins
Posted on: Tue, 2007-04-24 00:26

Bill O'Reilly interviews Richard Dawkins
[b]Update:[/b] I had to find another video. The other video was no longer available.
Nice, However I agree with Dawkins that Hitler had a belief in God (I dont know about the roman catholic god...)
(of course i agree with dawkins on the rest as well...)
Dawkin's is a major His book changed my life, i love it
Welcome aboard, clarkerto!
About that thing that Hitler was an atheist, Bill needs to look at these websites:
- - photos
- - photos
- - he was not an atheist
You can also look at [url=]our blog[/url].
Speaking of Hitler, I believe Rook posted a [i]very[/i] long list of Hitler's quotes in which he clearly professed a belief in the Christian god and denied being an atheist. Don't remember where that post is though.
[quote=clarkerto]Dawkin's is a major His book changed my life, i love it[/quote]
[quote=noor]Speaking of Hitler, I believe Rook posted a [i]very[/i] long list of Hitler's quotes in which he clearly professed a belief in the Christian god and denied being an atheist. Don't remember where that post is though.[/quote]
That's where I got it from. I was allowed to post it.
[quote=American Atheist][quote=noor]Speaking of Hitler, I believe Rook posted a [i]very[/i] long list of Hitler's quotes in which he clearly professed a belief in the Christian god and denied being an atheist. Don't remember where that post is though.[/quote]
That's where I got it from. I was allowed to post it.
Oh, I see.
Christians are always claiming that he was anti-religion, but I'm fairly sure he was against other religions (including other denominations of Christianity). I don't think he ever mentioned actually eradicating belief in a god or Catholicism from the earth in any of his writings or speeches.
He rejected atheism.
[quote][i]"It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false."[/i] HITLER'S SPEECHES by Norman Baynes, 1942, VOLUME 1, Page 93[/quote]
[quote][i]"An educated man retains the sense of the mysteries of nature and bows before the unknowable. An educated man, on the other hand, runs the risk of going over to atheism (which is a return to the state of the animal)"[/i] .... HITLER'S TABLE TALK, 1941-1944, Translated by Cameron & Stevens, 2000, page 59[/quote]
[quote][i]"Without pledging ourselves to any particular Confession [Protestantism or Catholicism], we have restored to faith its prerequisites because we were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."[/i]HITLER'S SPEECHES by Norman Baynes, 1942, VOLUME 1, Page 378[/quote]
[quote][i]"We don’t want to educate anyone in atheism.[/i]HITLER'S TABLE TALK, 1941-1944, Translated by Cameron & Stevens, 2000, page 6"[/quote]
Yeah, I know. Still I don't see why they have to mention Hitler at all. And he never killed anyone in the name of his "atheism". Plus there's the fact that religion has killed far more people over time.
In the future, there will be even more deaths because of theism.
And it doesn't have to be a war. There have been some people that have killed their children because "god told them to".
Yea, I agree. Although when it comes to wars government has probably killed more especially when mixed with religion. That's the most dangerous combination. Both of them are harmful though.
But if it was up to me I'd classify the different forms of statism as religions.
Why do people always say hitler was trying to eliminate religion? They are thinking of Stalin, who dishonors atheists everywhere. Thank god I'm agnostic.
[quote=liberal agnostic]Why do people always say hitler was trying to eliminate religion? They are thinking of Stalin, who dishonors atheists everywhere. Thank god I'm agnostic.[/quote]
Actually it seems both Hitler and Stalin wanted to eliminate religion. Hitler wasn't an atheist though. And Stalin was an atheist, but he didn't kill anyone in the name of his atheism. He murdered because of his communist goals.
[url=]And most agnostics are atheists by belief.[/url] The original meaning of atheist was lack of belief in a god, which most people who call themselves agnostic do. You're both agnostic and atheist.
Good ol' Richard Dawkins, the Jesus for the Atheists.
It's Bill O'Reilly what should we expect?
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[quote]It's Bill O'Reilly what should we expect?[/quote]
What is Irrationallity and Irrogance?