Dont you hate it when...
Posted on: Sat, 2007-07-28 06:15
Dont you hate it when...
...those hardcore christians get all in your face and go all crazy trying to preach to you?
annoys the crap out of me
Eh, I never really had anything like that, but people like Robertson and others definitely annoy me with their preaching.
I hate when people tell me porno is bad
haha ^^
yeah ... thts dumb
Depends on what kind, Furyan
Though I [b][i]highly[/i][/b] suggest you stop looking at it once you start dating someone...might hurt their feelings...
Kiddie porn is bad. But I don't freak out when I see boobs, big fucking deal I don't know why this country acts like they see a ghost when there is some nudity.
hell yeah
Someone please give me a good reason for why porn is bad, without resorting to arbitrary whims or personal opinions.
[quote=noor]Someone please give me a good reason for why porn is bad, without resorting to arbitrary whims or personal opinions.[/quote]
cause after you wath it alot you start to become immune to the real stuff
Yeah, well, I meant bad as in morally bad.