faith and freethought objects to teens

On a pre-recording of the "faith and freethought" radio show. The point that was beat into the floor by the hosts was that teens committing the blasphemy challenge was "just a fad" and that many teens were just going through some sort of phase. They also said that the RRS show was somewhat un-educational. I was just wondering what your thoughts as teens (like me) were on the subject. I personally was offended, I think it was not necessary for the show to attack the teen atheist community, especially seeing as many of us have been avid atheist activists long before the Blasphemy Challenge was even an idea. I am not asking people to start a conflict with the show, I am just asking your opinions on the topic.
I've been an atheist most of my life, but I was more of a closet atheist. It wasn't until I actually heard about the blasphemy challenge that I realized atheism was wide spread. So yes I am offended by that too. They act as though we just jump into atheism without thinking it through at all, while the fact is I though long and hard about what I believe and came to the conclusion that makes the most sense to me,
I think that they are just trying to make sense of it all. I doubt that they realize why and how people come to atheism.
That really annoys me when others label our movement as a fad. They should be encouraging us for teenagers are actually looking towards reason and rationality and actually beginning to THINK!
Perhaps they are afraid that we are the future and the future may become Godless or at least more secular and humanistic.
I don't see why it suprises you people. The majority if not all of the people saying those things are theists... of course they don' t want to take us seriously. Taking us seriously would admit we are somewhat a threat. Which would lead people to believe we COULD be right...
It doesn't surprise me... i would expect this from anyone who is in a minority and is a teenager... some people call tattoos and heavy metal a fad...
The point of this topic was that an ATHEIST web radio show was labeling us a fad. So it was upsetting to me that the atheist community, in some aspects, looks at us as just followers, which in their minds makes us much like Christians, in that we don't really know anything about our commitment. So for all the comments about the secularization of the nation, they are for that, but they don't think that we will be atheists forever.
Hah, they just like to knock it because they don't understand it. Little do they know that years from now this "fad" will not have died out, it will only have become stronger and more an [b]atheism epidemic[/b]. Hell yeah!
You shouldn't jump the gun so soon. most of us have not been on this Earth for more than 19 years if that. you should come to your own conclusions about things, don't be so quick to accept another persons or group of peoples answers or solutions to life or problems. There is usually nothing wrong with comprising in a situation. but if you compromise yourself thats a different story completely.
"Just a Fad" featuring a few million people. Kinda like when Christianity started in the Roman Empire.