Eveyrone Jump on the Jesus wagon!

Is it just me or does it seem that everyone is jumping on the Jesus band wagon. I mean how many big budget movies have there been now about God? Its like everyone is jumping on the Jesus money train. What the hell if your going to use God as a higher power make him one! Im athiest dont get me wrong but i still do have my respects for religion. If someone is going to have a higher power shouldnt they make him as such? I mean chatholics are terrible with this one. They keep using Gods name to go to war and make money. People need to realize if you going to call "God" a higher power than you need to make him as such. Dont you guys think so?
I think its that they are just selling religion. I mean that is a pretty good built in fan base.
Dude- "Hey did you see The Passion?"
Other Dude- "No..."
Dude- "But it’s a Christian movie. Don't you want to know more about our faith?"
Kind of like how people didn't question all those bad things religions have done. "Its religious, so it has to be ok or even good, right?"
I have also seen some things on religion and government about this topic. In 'God and Government' a religious leader talks about how it is belittling god to use it in such a fashion.
I saw the passion...the book was better
I saw the passion..didn't read the book.
But I thought the movie was pathetic.
I thinkt it's only made as a shock tatic to non-beleivers to be honest
lol the book is the bible if you didnt get the joke...lol sorry
lol the book is the bible if you didnt get the joke...lol sorry bad joke
haha oh!!
Wow, actually i'm just an idiot.
I have yet to read the entire bible...but I actually want to
I have read enough... Deuteronomy 13
I am sorry if this seems twisted, but i found the passion to be humorous. I mean, chunks of flesh flying around.... and the demon baby. I dunno, i usually find something funny about anything, no matter how creepy it is.
I never saw the passion. I was told it was shitty.
I did however see Jesus christ superstar, does that count?
Just really. It's almost as if the non-crazy everything done by the bible, religious computiy has turned into more of a coperation that a religion
I realize that may be confusing.
It is as if the more relaxed christans and such, are turning their religion into movies and books, to make money.
I heard something about how the same people want to make another movie based on a bible story. I think it is going to be another graphic "fear me" god movie....
[quote=Greg]I am sorry if this seems twisted, but i found the passion to be humorous. I mean, chunks of flesh flying around.... and the demon baby. I dunno, i usually find something funny about anything, no matter how creepy it is.[/quote]
As did I. I just didn't have the guts to say it because I figured there would be a lot of hatemail coming in my direction then lol
i love those movies, i think they are hilarious. and interesting to a certain degree.
Narnia is another religious movie that no one seems to realize. Catholics have way to much advertising i mean everytime someone sneezes god is brought up. the frase "God Damnit". I wish for a week everyone would say "Bryan Damnit" just so im a little more well known.
Well just for you all say Bryan Damnit for now on.
I didn't even realize Narnia was religious. I was forced to read that book in 7th grade for class haha.
Narnia is CS Lewis during his Christianity ness :) that's about as religious as it gets. I don't say god bless you, and neither do most countries. Most words in other languages mean 'be well' basically. Latin is prosit, which basically means be well. I say Zeus bless you. Normally about 10 people say God bless you so nobody hears me, but when they do, it's interesting. There's this one guy I know who says 'GOD bless you' and it pisses me off. Just like how he pronounces it.
Every teacher at my school says "God bless you" and puts the emphasis on God when it's me who sneezes >.<
My dad does that during the Pledge/// He won't just say "under god" but he says "under GAWD!" all off key.
Its kinduh embrassing.
It's easier just sitting there half passed out on my desk.
Do your teacher's know that you're an atheist?
If so, that is pretty assholish of them.
I will definatly say bryan damnit. All week long. Definatly
YES!!!!!!!!! Free advertising lol.
And then when people ask me what i'm talking about I will go into a huge stage of who you are...even though i don't know you.
lol just tell them to go to www.freethinkingteens.com
that is exactally what I'll do. And the next day, on my locker 'satan' will be written on it.
than go to your princapal and tell him that some one has performed a hate crime onto you and you can than get away with anything. Freedom of speech and religion are on your side. If you have a hate crime commited agains you than you can actually take a class action lawsuit agains that school. =D
[quote=Stephen]Do your teacher's know that you're an atheist?
If so, that is pretty assholish of them.[/quote]
Yes. Every person in the school knows i'm an atheist. I stand proud.
Way to stand proud
thats very unprofessional of your teachers
Thats awesome... I'm totally joining your fan club
Yeah, I know what you mean.
hahaha sweet im starting my own sub-culture.
just don't let them worship you, otherwise 100 years from they'll be fighting over what the true word of Bryan is.
Now i know how jesus felt, but sadly i dont do magic im just a regular circus freak
that's magic enough damnit. I know a ten year old who knows more about breathing fire, juggling fire, devil sticks, knife throwing and contact juggling, than anyone else. Because he's adorable so he learned everything and had 4 old rennie brothers. We should worship him. All hail Arthur Gauvin.
Ive heard of that kid...kinda random...
But anyway we should all join the bryan-sub culture.
Yeah, I sorta fell asleep within five minutes of the movie...
But now that I have heard of all the flying chunks of blood and demon babies, I'll have to check it out.