CNN attacks Atheists
Posted on: Mon, 2007-02-05 18:08
CNN attacks Atheists
I dont know if any of y'all seen these videos but I saw them through a Myspace bulletin.
YouTube link:
Part 2
Here's the email address if you want to leave a comment. After watching Part 2 I had to send one.
I already posted a [url=]thread[/url] about this.
[MOD edit:]
There we go.
Opps, thats a my bad on me.
It's ok. People need to know about these videos. :)
Did I miss something? How exactly is this 'attacking' athiests? If anything it would appear CNN has come to their defense by raising awareness of how they are treated.
Telling Athiest to shut up does not raise awareness....
Besides attacking Athiest, that also made Christians look more stupid and not in the "just on a forum" way. This was the on the TV way. But I guess thats just bad for me.
Really? Karen says we want to much since we "already took praying out of public schools".
[quote=KCahill]Really? Karen says we want to much since we "already took praying out of public schools". [/quote]
Karen needs to know that we have a "moment of silence" which was used to replace prayer. She needs to get out of 50 years ago when she was a kid and get into the now.
Exactly. And Karen and Debbie need to wake up and understand WE HAVE THE RIGHT NOT TO BELIEVE IN GOD. WE SHOULDNT BE TOLD TO SHUT UP because we dont worship the Christian God. I think its time to send invite Debbie and Karen to be on the radio with the RRS.
[quote=KCahill] I think its time to send invite Debbie and Karen to be on the radio with the RRS.[/quote]
Ask Sapient if he would like to have them on the show, but I doubt it will happen.
They would never appear on the show anyways because they think you need to shut up and keep to yourself. Of course, you could go all public about it and make it look like they are insecure about there faith and such and sorta of force them into the position, but don't say I said that because that would not look good for a Catholic.
[quote]Telling Athiest to shut up does not raise awareness....
Yes, but it seems to me they wernt telling athiests to shut up, rather they were telling everyone else to treat athiests nicer.
[quote=American Atheist][quote=KCahill] I think its time to send invite Debbie and Karen to be on the radio with the RRS.[/quote]
Ask Sapient if he would like to have them on the show, but I doubt it will happen.[/quote]
Yea, I know. I dont think their too smart to be on RRS anyway.
[quote=Sir-Think-A-Lot][quote]Telling Athiest to shut up does not raise awareness....
Yes, but it seems to me they wernt telling athiests to shut up, rather they were telling everyone else to treat athiests nicer. [/quote]
how the hell did you come to that conclusion. Telling atheist to shut up doesn't mean be nicer to us. If they wanted people to treat us nicer they could have said they have the right to believe ,or rather not believe, in anything they want. But instead they bashed us because we're infidels or pagans and we don't mindlessly worship the god they do.
Watch both parts.
The first part is where they explain everyone hates atheists. I think it is the next part that makes people dislike CNN
[quote]Watch both parts.
The first part is where they explain everyone hates atheists. I think it is the next part that makes people dislike CNN[/quote]
I did watch both parts. I guess I can see what your saying. But its not really CNN saying that. But rather the one Christian.
And quite frankly I think hes right to some extent. Athiests tend to make a big deal over things that dont really matter(like "In God we trust" on our money. You do realize I didnt even know our money said that until people started complaining). I'm not saying athiests should shut up, but they do need to stop complaining about frivilous things.
[quote=Sir-Think-A-Lot][quote]Watch both parts.
The first part is where they explain everyone hates atheists. I think it is the next part that makes people dislike CNN[/quote]
I did watch both parts. I guess I can see what your saying. But its not really CNN saying that. But rather the one Christian.
And quite frankly I think hes right to some extent. Athiests tend to make a big deal over things that dont really matter(like "In God we trust" on our money. You do realize I didnt even know our money said that until people started complaining). I'm not saying athiests should shut up, but they do need to stop complaining about frivilous things. [/quote]
Your missing the point that if a person wants "In God we Trust" off the dollar, they have the right to say it. What about Protestant Fundamentalist who think Creation should be taught in Science? I think they should stop trying, but I don't say anything because I know they have the right to say what they want.
I thought it was the Christian and the Jew... but I am retarded, and probably making that up.
I don't make a stink about the money or pledge stuff... mainly because I never say the pledge and I think federal reserve notes are a bad idea from the get- go. But I don't trust in God. He has been pretty unreliable.
[quote=JoshHickman]I thought it was the Christian and the Jew... but I am retarded, and probably making that up. [/quote]
It was, the one Christian guy wasn't as bad because he at least said Athiest have the right to speak, but the the other two had no clue what they were doing.
[quote=LtPaint]Your missing the point that if a person wants "In God we Trust" off the dollar, they have the right to say it. What about Protestant Fundamentalist who think Creation should be taught in Science? I think they should stop trying, but I don't say anything because I know they have the right to say what they want.[/quote]
I realize that they have the right to say so if they really want to. However it still doesnt make them look any more intelligent for doing so.
Besides I have the right to not take them seriously as well.
Of course, it is a sacred right to not take ideas seriously. I 100% agree with that. This is sarcasm free. But just wait a second...
You also have the right to be an ignorant person. You have the right to vote, and affect other people's lives when you are ignorant. You have a right to watch cable news and regurgitate everything you hear from Bill O'Reilly or Micheal Moore. It is an inalienable right of all humans to not think. It is also a right to base choices that affect everyone on your ignorance. And, believe me or not, the sarcasm is yet to come...
It is your right to do whatever you please with yourself. In fact, one could say it is your duty to support the economy by watching the commercials telling you what you want, in between the talking heads on cable telling you that THEIR ideas are the only ones to be taken seriously. Even Papa Bear Bill O'Reilly says some ideas hurt America, so it must be true. How could someone be put in such high places of power and respect without being right?
See, ideas can sometimes be bad. Because if you critically consider all ideas, you might disagree with the Moores and Cavutos of the world. It would be impossible for everyone to agree. Hell, it would be impossible for a fistful of people to agree on everything. Why risk thought and doubt, when people on the news, and people in suits who work in large white buildings, are telling me the right answer?
Just so you know I dont like Bill O'Rilley or Michale Moore(or Ann Coulter, but you can probably guess that by my sig)
[quote]You have a right to watch cable news and regurgitate everything you hear from Bill O'Reilly or Micheal Moore. [/quote]
More like up-chuck, barf, vomit, puke, hurl, or worship the porcelain god - what Moore and O'Reilly say. (I say this not against their points... just the amount of crap that they say (their opinions and points can be refuted...))
Although, I do like to barf up the words of people.
I think it is wise to immediately disagree with anything those cable news idiots have to say. What was the line from Sienfeld? If your instincts are always wrong, then the opposite must be right?
This is not to be taken seriously, although those people are idiots, they might mess up and get something right for once.
I didnt say they were ALWAYS wrong. I hold the opinion that both sides of the political spectrum are right on a few issues and wrong on most.
Weirdly enough, that was not actually a sarcastic remark. It was just a joke at FOX News' expense (I think it is fair to say they are the worst. Democrats just aren't that organized.)
whether or not they are right or wrong is a 50% chance... and of course it would depend on what really is RIGHT.
[quote=Greg]whether or not they are right or wrong is a 50% chance... and of course it would depend on what really is RIGHT.[/quote]
no. the odds are not 50/50. without knowing specifics, I can't say the probability but... that's too simplistic.
You can never say something has a probability of being true. It is or it isn't. I could be wrong about anything, but my conclusions of today are based on the information I have. Chance of truth is never 50- 50, it is 100- 0. Something is true.
While Einstein would agree with you, most of quantum physics would disagree(for example, excited electrons always drop down, but the way in which they drop down through the quantum levels is random, as far as we know)
[quote]excited electrons always drop down,[/quote]
Nothing particularly funny about this, but I had the image of a bunch of excited drunk electrons (who all looked like purple balls) in a bar who fall of their barstools....
the way in which they drop down through the quantum levels is random, as far as we know[/quote]
Really? I thought that if we somehow knew the exact velocity and direction of a particle, then we could know exactly how it would behave.... hmm