
I was at a bible study last wednesday, and I was flipping through the bible and totally ignoring the lesson. I was looking in leviticus and it hit me that, almost everything in there is punishable by death. It states way to many times that "if someone commits "insert sin here" they must be put to death, the death is on their own hands". At the end of leviticus, I believe leviticus 27:35, it says "anyone devoting their life to destruction should be put to death". I put them together and asked the pastor fellow if that means the christian killing the other christian for sinning would have to be put to death, I knew his answer. He replied just as I expected, he said that the death was on the other fellow, so no. But I replied the death may be, but the person killing the sinner still destroyed/damaged the body before killing. The pastor replied that it was dictated by God, so it doesnt matter. I quickly replied and said "does that mean we have to kill God for destroying?". The pastor got pissed and said " I am not even going to debate this because I have faith and that is all that matters", and quickly dismissed the lesson. What I brought up, was that a valid arguement? To me it seemed, but it was off the top of my head at the time so I didn't have much time to think it through.
I still don't get how one of God's commandments is, "Thou shalt not kill.", yet he commands you to be killed if you do basically anything wrong.
Also, yes it was a very valid argument. It's just that when believers have no clue how to respond they just say something like, "Just take it to faith." They shouldn't be believing in stuff they can't even debate well.
Yeah i'd say it's valid.
He, i'm sure, just got nervous knowing full well you're capable of proving him to be wrong.
Kind of relating to this..My friend Ashley use to be a hardcore catholic. She's not as into it as she use to be, especially now that I got her questioning some things, and on her own she started questioning about how God commands you to be killed for sinning and/or not following him.
She didn't understand how people who have never heard of this "God" (from completely different cultures) could be sent to hell for not following him when they didn't even know this character (suposebly) exsists.
I just smiled at her and said "I told you there were flaws to your religion."
Those laws where written for back then.... they dont apply now. Only the 12 comandments do.
my eye twitched here.... Um... the 12 commandments? er... bud, we need to talk
Well, I heard of an 11th commandment: [i]Love thy neighbor as thyself.[/i]
I'm not sure about a 12th commandment, we are just familiar with the regular 10.
[quote]Those laws where written for back then.... they dont apply now. Only the 12 comandments do.[/quote]
This what the future Christian leaders for our generation are going to be... I, personally, am scared.
1. Lev. is part of the Bible making it part of your "worship book"
2. Lev. is located in the Old Testament, that were the "12" Commandments are too.
3. ... Read your Bible. 12 Commadments?
4. Lev is the 3rd book of the OT (It was written by Mosses) it comes AFTER the 10 Commandments, making a newer group of rules.
5. I can continue, but.. I think you get my point.
[quote=Doktormartini]I still don't get how one of God's commandments is, "Thou shalt not kill.", yet he commands you to be killed if you do basically anything wrong.[/quote]
Actually its "Thou shall not [i]murder[/i].
[quote]She didn't understand how people who have never heard of this "God" (from completely different cultures) could be sent to hell for not following him when they didn't even know this character (suposebly) exsists. [/quote]
Who said they would be?
The Levitical laws are the founding source of our modern justice system in the US. We are not punishing criminals to inflict fear and intimidate people to obey, nor are we punishing criminals to rectify behavior or else there would be no death row. We punish criminals because God commands it.
The fact that sin is called "alternative lifestyles" in our own day and our own understanding of how putrifying sin really is clouds our understanding of God's laws.
About the 10 commandments (or twelve, Jesus added 2 as the "greatest commandment": Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, strength, and mind, (note the addition of the word mind from the Old Testament Shama, Christians are not supposed to be stupid.) and Love thy neighbor as thyself.) The commandments are not all inclusive. They are summaries of the ideas included in the Levitical case-laws. For instance, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is applied in the case laws to remain sexually pure, and not just a condemning of adultery.
I think the commandment was orriginally thou shout not murder, but got changed. In the eyes of the faithful, it is not murder to kill someone for a reason the bible names.
It [i]is[/i] "Do not murder." My Bible teacher can sight translate Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and Hebrew, so I take his word for it.
[quote=Egann]It [i]is[/i] "Do not murder." My Bible teacher can sight translate Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and Hebrew, so I take his word for it. [/quote]
So does that account for all murder? Like if someone kills another for greed? Or someone kills another because they have different beliefs?
Don't bother responding to Egann.
He's banned from this site. Which is why he has that avatar.
What is that?
And what was the reasoning behind the ban?
oh, yeah... why is he banned?... I diddnt see the notice... ill have to check