Reason is a gift's blog
Submitted by Reason is a gift on Thu, 2007-03-01 21:46.OK,
Here's the basic idea:
I am a freethinking teen, but I have found that through reason, there is only one answer: Not only does God exist, He is a loving, caring God who wants a personal relationship with us.
I do mean wants, not needs. He, in creating this existance, cannot logically depend upon any part of it.
He has given many gifts. One of them is reason.
Reason is not preeminent or pre-existant, nor is it man's invention. The laws of reason are obvious in the world, but only to us.
The rest of the world, meaning everything but humans, may have conditioned responses, but cannot truly think. The rest of the world cannot reason through situations and choose what is the best, rational, option.
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