Juror Debate Rules

When we start this debate we will be acting as if Christianity is the Defendant & Atheism, Agnosticism etc. are the Prosecution. We will be deciding it's fate. We will be the Jury that will deliver a verdict. I'll lay down a few quick rules for this debate & then we can get on with business. After you've read the rules you guys can decide if these rules touch all areas or they need editing. Just tell me about any point of contention you might have.
Alright, Here's the rules:
1. No one is to be antagonized for their vote. If any fights break out we will take a one day recess from this forum.
2. Your vote must be made without any doubt. You must have no reason why not to believe a certain piece of evidence, testimony, or fact. If you do you must vote Not Guilty & bring your doubt up before the Jury. If they cannot reconcile it & you still have a reasonable doubt you must continue your vote of Not Guilty.
3. Everyone has the right to call for a vote. If a vote is called for, we have two types we can do. One way is to just post our vote. The other is to e-mail me & the Admin your vote. We will count up the votes & then post the outcome.
4. We must reach a verdict of 8-0. If we cannot after two adjournments we must attempt to clear it up. If we cannot we will have to pause this debate & attempt to compile more evidence for both sides.
What do you think?
Praise God,
I''ll give an outline for what we have to discuss in this forum. Here it is:
I. Rules
a. Acceptable or Not?
b. Complete or Not?
c. Final or Not?
II. Jurors
a. Conduct
b. Duties
c. Abilities
III. Case
a. Who will work on it for the Plantiff?
b. Who will work on it for the Defendant?
c. What fields will it discuss?
IV. Miscellaneous
a. Q & A
b. Miscellaneous Topics
This is a list of what we must accomplish before we can start the debate.
Praise God,
I almost forgot. The Jurors that will be in this case are listed according to their side & their present position as to whether they will join this debate or not:
The Plantiff
-American Atheist - Yes
-noor - ?
-deludedgod - ?
-AgnosticAtheist1 - ?
The Defendant
GWG - Yes
Christfolyfe - ?
P-Dunn - ?
and one more - ?
If your name is on this list please post your choice in this forum before you post anything else. Thank you.
Praise God,
I would like to be the open spot, but I would like to clarify some things first.
1. This should probably be moved. Announcements is not the best place for attracting attention.
2. We aren't going to change anyone's mind on anything. Everyone is entering this discussion with preconceived notions of what is and isn't the case. As that it is impossible to ask for someone to put these preconceptions aside, I recomend that we accept them as is.
3. We are not going to prove anything here, but we may get emotionally heated. I would recomend a sit on rule, where one must sit on new posts for at least a set time limit to calm emotions and check data, as well as full reading rule (duh) and an argument length limit.
4. I don't think "defending the faith" means putting it deliberately on trial, but this will be fun anyway.
I'll respond in order.
1. Your right. The debate will take place in another forum room. Unless the admin has a reason not to place it there.
2.I agree. But, if they doubt on any point it might give the oppurtunity for them to start believing in God. You said so in your testimony.
3. Agreed. That would fit under misc. & Juror Conduct. We will discuss it when the other "Jurors" come.
4. I know. I just knew that it would be a good way of helping us hone our skills in debating, observation, examining & descisiveness. It will help us become better as well as help us see both sides clearly.
Hope this helped.
Praise God,
1. We won't need to all stop debating if someone loses their temper. But the offender will have to sit out for a day & gather evidence, calm down etc.
Egann will fill the 4th Juror for the Defendant's side. He is a Yes.
Praise God,
One problem: Between the 20th through the 23rd, I will be unavailable on a school trip. I happen to be associated with another person who has an account here and could take my place (Reason is a Gift.) Is it possible that he could fill in for me over those few days, should I lend him my account and have him mark all of the posts he makes with an internal signature, or just sit our for the few days?
(on second hand thought, this still may not be started by the 24th)
That's probably true. We still have to work out a case, prosecution & defense for both sides & decide on the topics we will discuss. We will probably not start until the 24th or 25 so you can go on the trip & not miss much. We'll fill you in with whatever's going on. You can still have your friend work with us for you if you want. It will help things move quicker.
Praise God,
I'm on spring break, so I'll be traveling to a few places. But I promise to get back to you guys ASAP!
I hope to get this debate started or at least in the beginning stages of starting by April 10th. That means we have to start building a case. We need a moderator for the Prosecution's case. Those on that side can decide among themselves & then post their decision. I am the moderator for the Defense.
We have to start communicating with one another on the case & our defense; again, the topic is "Is Christianity guilty of being a hoax?". We can do it in a separate forum or just by email, IM etc. How do you think we should do it? Anyone got any ideas?
Praise God,
Is anyone there? Those on the theist side e-mail me at [email protected]. For the prosecution check with american atheist.
Praise God,