Calveric's blog

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My philosophy

My philosophy on the after-life is easy to understand, but will take alot so be prepared to read. This is also a collaboration of three intelligent minds, mine being one of them. Lets get to it, and remember the power of the mind. Yes that is a cheesy line, I'm aware. Also, this is just to throw out there, throw it back if you'd like, just don't be hostile about it.
First off, the after life. Many people believe the great journey of which the bible and many other scriptures mention. The great journey being the road to heaven. They also tell of the punishment for sinners, which is hell as we all know. But what if these things were all written as metaphors for the mind process after death and were taken to seriously by people as history played out? Kind of like how in mythological times they made up stories about gods to explain the goings on in the world.

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