Admin Team

Following is a list of the admin staff along with their main job. Please try to contact the most appropriate person for any issues you have, preferably choosing someone closer to the bottom of the list.


Zero - Co-Founder and Sponsor, on behalf of DoubleDoh Shirts
Sapient - Co-Founder and Sponsor, on behalf of The Rational Response Squad.
Thor (t) - Website Designer (aka Alan)


noor (t)
KCahill (t)

Forum Moderators:

twag (t)
adaypastdead (t)
AgnosticAtheist1 (t)
Nick_Poling (t)
Blood Pig (t)
Derevirn (t)
Greg (t)
Toxicat (t)
xAntiMindFilth62 (t)
Dirty_Dan (t)

Special Thanks:

Jus Bus for his help with the website's header graphic
And of course, everyone else that gave us permission to use your photographs for the graphic.

(t) = denotes the user is a teen. We told you this site was run by teens!