congrats Greg
Posted on: Sat, 2006-09-09 23:37
congrats Greg
...on having the BIGGEST MOUTH on this site and hitting 1000 forum points!
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congrats Greg
Posted on: Sat, 2006-09-09 23:37
congrats Greg
...on having the BIGGEST MOUTH on this site and hitting 1000 forum points! Rational Squad Alerts |
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Congrats to Greg!
hey frank, i will kill you, ok? lol just kidding. and points dont really mean anything , i just like having my opinion everywhere so i can hear others opinion's too and debate with them or just talk :)
holy crap, you have demolished everyone hahaha
Wouldn't be the first time someones threatened to kill me.
ha dont worry i wont. but who else has threatened you?
oohhh, no one ¬_¬
tell me , so i can kick their ass. and you know i will when i come to visit.
Frank, you wont need to worry about them if you dont tell me because i will get to you first
im not worried about myself, im worried about them and what you might do!
ha wow. then give me names
Woah, theirs gonna be some slow signing, and flower bringing, if Greg's burgalar alarm starts ringin...
wtf? lol i dont understand what you mean by that
Holy shit dude. You totally own the points,
dude, its not a big deal really.
I know, I just posted here for the points.
*wink* j/k
[quote=Greg]wtf? lol i dont understand what you mean by that[/quote]
Yeah... it's from a song... it really didn't make any sense... it's late...
I've given up on even being top five in points... there's just no way i can keep up.
Welcome to my life
points honestly arent a big deal guys.
NO POINTS ARE EVERYTHING RAR!! Nah... don't really care much about points...
what is your real name man?
look, hes almost at 1250 now...
My real name? It on my picture :)
My real name is written on the top left corner of my picture, and my real name is Chip. o.0 And i'm gonig to attempt to sleep (drunk ppl outside my door finally went away) so later!
*top right
oh i didnt even bother looking at it but i noticed it. lol. well goodnight chip
Dude you spamed your way to the top and doubled,almost tripled me.
someone has far too much free time love.
i havent spammed yet. i just make sure my opinion is everywhere :) and yes, i have alot of free time
i know i was just messing around =)
[quote=Ph8]Woah, theirs gonna be some slow signing, and flower bringing, if Greg's burgalar alarm starts ringin...[/quote]
... what you think all the gunz is for? All purpose war got the rottweilers by the door. And I feed em gun powder so they can devour the criminals tryin to clock my decimals. Damn, niggas wanna stick me for my C.R.E.A.M. And it ain't a dream, things aint always what it seems.....
I don't see what the big deal about the points are haha.
I don't even pay attention to the point shit.
oh damn, what is that from Brian??? it sounds familiar
I just noticed that the top poster thingys are on tehe side of the screen, I also just noticed that I passed 1000, and the greg, you need a life
hahahahaha i have a life. a very nice one. just happens to have a lot of down time :( lmao
hey look, he passed the 2000 mark now!
suuure greg, we all believe that
lol good job greg way to sacrifice the life..
[quote=Greg]oh damn, what is that from Brian??? it sounds familiar[/quote]
The song is [b]"Warning"[/b] by The Notorious B.I.G.