I'm "1 of the most stubborn Christians out there."

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I'm "1 of the most stubborn Christians out there."


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Jason "Chris†aind" Brown
Date: Sep 30, 2006 12:31 PM

Do you really believe that there is no god? Do you really believe that everything has a rational reason? Do you honestly think you came from nothing like the rest of us? If it were true that everything has a rational response to it all, then I wonder how in the world it can explain many things that's happened to me in my life- how I just about busted my head open with hard force on conrete and lived through it or saw things (not visions or spirits, but ophysical things) that defy nature and all reasonable stuff? Take a look all around the world, there are things that simply cannot be reasoned. And I hope you don't try to convert me into this crappy "Rational" Response Squad, because I'm hard to deal with in arguments adn am probably 1 of the most stubborn Christians there are. That's all due to my life and peope trying to reason with me. Honestly, if things were truly rational, I should've been dead back in the '90s and I'm still here!

Bashh's picture
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Amy's picture
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To answer your 1st question:

To answer your 1st question: Yes.
2nd question: Pretty much.
3rd question: Yes.

Now about the other stuff...it's very possible to have accidents and live through it, so what? Does that prove there is a god? No. And also, you could be lying about "seeing things", so many people claim to see stuff like that all the time, doesn't mean it's true. It honestly doesn't prove anything at all.

Unlike religious people I don't try to "convert", if someone is curious about what I do or don't believe, I tell them about it, and leave it up to them to decide for themselves what they want to believe.

Kyzer's picture
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Can you explain in more

Can you explain in more detail about what you saw that didn't seem rational, there is about an explantion for anything.

Yes, i believe that there is no god. Everything can be thought out rationally. We didn't come from nothing, i believe in the theory, key word, theory that from the conditions on earth, like basic carbohydrates and lightning converged together, made small organic compounds, which eventually evolved into us. I would rather look upon the evidence from science that from what some person i don't know even ever existed is going to tell me. I've gone through some tough times myself. There are TONS of people who massive brain injuries, and doctors are able to explain why they survived, it isn't some "miracle." And it thought it was very unreasonable how you just accused us of trying to convert you. Christians are more into the converting than we are. And crappy Rational Response Squad. Um, just for your information, they probably know more about the bible than you do. And you needn't insult them for inviting you. That was extremely rude, and is against christian beliefs. And about how you should have been dead, why should you have, noone has control over your life, what happens, happens... thats all that really matters. I'm glad your still here, its not good for someone to die so young.

twistedandy's picture
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Do you really believe that

Do you really believe that the bible is really a "true story"? The bible was written by people, not by "God" himself.

Also, if you think God's the most powerful thing out there, think again. Answer me this. If God exists, then someone or something must've created him. But wait! You already said that God's the most powerful thing out there. Who created God? How was he created if he is already the most powerful thing? The answers to these aren't even defined yet, so the conclusion to this is that there is no God.

blackdiamonds_66's picture
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Ok, Yes I dont belive there is a god, and yes i do think there is a rational reason for everything, and yes to your third questiona as well. And just because you lived through something that scientifically should have killed you, doesnt mean its because of a "higher power" Some people have better luck then others, And as for seeing things... your brain was going through serious trama, who knows what messages it was sending you at that time, And yes you have a point, there are some things that science can not yet prove, but give it a little while sunshine, its only a matter of time


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Jason "Chris†aind" Brown

[quote=Jason "Chris†aind" Brown]YOU RESPOND:
Do you really believe that there is no god?[/quote]
I have no reason or evidence that has convinced me thus far of the existence of any god or gods.
[quote]Do you really believe that everything has a rational reason?[/quote]
Uh I think a person can describe everything through reason, but a rational reason does not mean a purpose.
[quote]Do you honestly think you came from nothing like the rest of us?[/quote]
Better then the idea that we came from dirt... And if a person looks into things it isn't exactly nothing.
[quote]If it were true that everything has a rational response to it all, then I wonder how in the world it can explain many things that's happened to me in my life- how I just about busted my head open with hard force on conrete and lived through it[/quote]
Well if your god was so good why would it harm you at all? Build character? I guess when I have kids I better get a bat to help build character...
[quote]or saw things (not visions or spirits, but ophysical things) that defy nature and all reasonable stuff?[/quote]
Did you see Penn and Teller last night those guys rock!!!

Also things that people once thought defy nature were proven to be apart of nature.
[quote]Take a look all around the world, there are things that simply cannot be reasoned.[/quote]
[quote]And I hope you don't try to convert me into this crappy "Rational" Response Squad, because I'm hard to deal with in arguments adn am probably 1 of the most stubborn Christians there are.[/quote]
Thank you for warning us how closed minded you are, however this won't stop me or anyone else. If you come to us we are going to respond simple as that.
[quote]That's all due to my life and peope trying to reason with me. Honestly, if things were truly rational, I should've been dead back in the '90s and I'm still here![/quote]
Beating the odds doesn't prove god sorry. Oh the odds are kind of high anyway. Now if you came from a bad place in the world what about all the people who didn't make it?

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No hope

I will answer your first question by posing another, which is more strange? Believing something for absolutely no reason or not believing something because there is abosolutely no reason to believe it? I feel you are beyond hope. How can you label your ignorance "God"? So, if you don't understand something, that makes it unfathomable? That's very arrogant thinking. An anecdote is no evidence of anything. The freethinking teens use cold hard facts to make our judgements. Anecdotes are looked upon as what they are, short entertaining tales, not evidence of God. I'm sorry for the doctors that saved your life. You clearly have given them no credit. Science saved you, not "God".

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Another idea

It sounds as if you're proud of being brainwashed. That's just sad. So people have tried to reason with you and you won't accept reason? Wow, crazy! How do you know when you were supposed to die? Do you also believe you're psychic? Wow, crazy!

Bushido705's picture
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yes, we believe there is no

yes, we believe there is no god. yes, we believe everything has a rational reason. and no, we believe that we evolved from single cell organisms that spawed from the conditions of the earth stages of our planet. during the cooling down stages from when the earth was a big fireball, small forms of life were spawned and over millions of years, evolved to the way we are now.

the reason you did not die when you hit your head on the concrete was because the force was not hard enough to stop your brain from functioning. there was not enough momentum of your falling head to scramble enough of your brain to kill you. those visions you saw were likely because of the chemicals you were taking, or were released within your own body to fight the pain and make you more comfortable while you recovered. people hit their heads on concrete all the time and live to tell about it. a few of my friends have had forceful encounters with hard materials including moving cars, concrete, and other items one would want to avoid encounters with, and they all lived, not because of God, but because the human body is a strong thing to break. bones may break, and blood may be bled, but the basic instinct to live does alot to help one through such times.

also, you say there are things you cant explain, but if you dont decide to look into the details with a logical state of mind, you wont be able to. there is always a decent explaination for the way things are. and we arent trying to convert you to our rational response squad, this site is more for us to have a place to share our views like you share yours in churches or places like that.

and also, dont attack our lack of belief. we have done nothing of the like to be the targets of attacks. we share our beliefs with each other.

Purple Banana
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Theology as a rational response

I think studying organized religion is useful in seeing how we evolve, intellectually, as humans. I mean if you think about it, it makes total sense how religion exists. To explain what humans do not know:

Aztec, Mayan, and Incans had hundreds of gods and goddesses to explain the daily "phenomina" that happened in their lives
Early Greeks and Romans used gods and goddesses to have an extrenal, agreed-upon system of faith that explained and rationalized occurrences and decisions
Earlier Europeans, particularly the Catholic church used god as a means to control the government, people, and to collect huge sums of money from the King's subjects simultaneously instilling a fear in god
Henry VIII manipulated Anglicanism as means of allowing him to divorce his many wives
And to date, many religious groups use the form of god and 'morality' interchangably to acheive what they want (issues with prayer in schools, Creationism in schools, death penalty, gay marriage, abortions, ect)

Religion is simply a means of having a bunch of different beliefs of what causes the unknown. Greek and Roman culture had gods to explain war, sleep, rain, storms, love, intelligence, and then later upgraded to mostly Catholic and protestant religions, which do not offer multi-gods (it's blasphemy now) because they have discovered means of knowing how the forementioned processes work! You don't see many Greeks and Italians worshipping Zeus and Athena now, do you? Of course they have statues, but to serve only as a reminder of what they founded many principles on.

For me, MOST (NOT ALL) religious groups harness their gods as a mean to try to get what they want in life, but back it up claiming it's offending their morals and beliefs, because we're such an immensly politically correct society, and religion and government are beginning to mix again. Many religions are severly impeding progress in sciences because they claim its immoral and evolution is crap, ect.

If these people are such science haters, then why do I have to take care of them in hospitals, give them antibiotics(developed by theory of bacterial EVOLUTION) but then they go and complain and tell others what to do and what to say, and hate under such a "loving and forgiving" god?

Man created God, God did not create Man.

AgnosticAtheist1's picture
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You usted your head open

You usted your head open with hard force on concrete on it. You then saw things that defy nature. And you don't see the quite obvious conclusion to be drawn from that? :)

I can reason everything I see. I might not be able to put numbers to all such processes, but in terms of the abstract theory, everything visible, I personally, am qualified to explain.

Yes, I believe there is no god, Yes I believe everything has a rational reason.

On the other hand, are you admitting that god is irrational by asking those 2 questions back to back?

No, I didn't come from nothing. I came from matter.

highraven's picture
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wait wait wait I see the

wait wait wait I see the problem..you hit your head to hard! Ok I know that was not nice. but you see I was once a christian, probally as strong as they come. But I did one thing I was taught never to do. Think. You know that thing leaders tell us are "bad". Yeah I guess it is, but if you want to be continued to be brainwashed then ,no my friend, do not think. Wow so in other words god has a purpose for EVERYTHING? So when he created satan that was for our own good. so we could suffer and be tourmented in hell for something he created?(sin?) God created sin sin=evil=god sounds about right. But I rest my case with, believe what you will but do not force it upon us. because we live a happier life helping one another not through the fear of hell but through love of one another, your right we do deserve to burn.

Annas Angst
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Yes. There is no god. By

Yes. There is no god. By science and common sense you can see that.


No, I dont believe i came from nothing.
I came from an egg and from a sperm.
PProduced by the HUMAN body.
Not by "god"

Maybe, if you would take the time to sit down and thoroughly examine exactly why you believe in your god, then you would get down to the bare facts.

Anyone can survive splitting their head open, I've split my head open TWICE, and through the miracle NOT of god, but of MODERN MEDICINE I was healed and lived.

You would rather believe irrationaly and have a safe, secure, lie of a life than think outside your box tatooed with lies of your father and your church.

Congratulations on limiting yourself on living.

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hmmm...and what provoked him

hmmm...and what provoked him to send this pointless message?

What you believe is your business, not his.
Thats why my parents dont even know.

Dont let him get to you.

Theres a rational responce for everything!